Hi all,
im new in this mining business and wants to try with my server at home but i think the HPM is not very high. Can you help me. Here my Data/Config..
OS: Windows 2008 R2 64 Bit
2 * Xeon L5520 CPU
32 GB Ram
Huges pages are acitivated for Administrators (no error message appears)
Also restarted the server
mining-params = mmc:av=1&aesni=off&m=1024
compact-stats = 1
print-timestamps = 0
(yam.exe from the dropbox for yam-yvg1900-M7m-win64-nehalem.zip)
yam.exe --config yam-mmc.cfg --mine getwork://[%coin]@mmcpool.1gh.com:8080:8081:8082:8083/mmc
16 Mining Threads as 1 wokers
MMC Agg. SPM: 0.544, HPM: ?; Rnds C/I: 0/1, Don. C/I: 1/2; Cfg/Wkr
SPM: 0.544/0.9124, Cfg/Wkr HPM: 0.456/0.4562 1 rnds AV=1, ART=?
mmcpool.1gh.com: On-line, Shares Submitted 0, Accepted 0
So the HPM Values seams not very high or?