Pro tip: If any software developer promises delivery in 2 months, expect 4. 8 months? Expect 16.
Add extra cushion for degree of difficulty.
I agree, but the TS dev eam shouldve maybe tried to be a bit more realistic with their announcements. They suffer from planning fallacy pretty bad it seems.
Ethereum managed to be only like 6 months late, but Bitshares is closer to a year late on promises now.
Still, it just shows you how hard what we are doing is, and how difficult it will be for anyone else to copy it and compete.
This depends on your perception, I believe.
Project coordinators dream about having software developers with the work ethic, foresight and ability to continuously re-examine the current status of their product half as good as this team has demonstrated. What you don't want is developers without ambition, because that is all you're asking for with a more "realistic" and longer estimated development time.
This is the part of the calculation that must be done on the investor end (this is also the part that newmine is using to abuse those with less experience).
As far as I am concerned, and as someone who has been around everyday since the beginning (this is not meant to be said as holier-than-thou, merely that I have been around from the original promises to today - everyday), BTSX launch + immediate repairs = delivered product. What we are seeing with 2.0 is an extra and improved build on the original which has been had for mere scraps of dilution.
Whatever promises each investing individual were most valuing and counting on are also not clear - the fact that they are not set in stone is one of the most positive aspects of Bitshares and bytemaster's leadership. Bitshares has swerved and pivoted when new information became available. This development has been a continuous evolution, if bytemaster had been so hard headed as to stick to the initial day 1 plans, it's very possible this project would be all but dead and everybody's investment would be much closer to zero.
As far as I am concerned, Ethereum has not yet launched.
Can you imagine the backlash bytemaster and team would have received merely suggesting an "official" launch without a GUI?