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Messages - BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

Pages: 1 ... 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 [161] 162 163 164 165 166 167 168
General Discussion / Re: Project Bring Back Method's Passion...
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:47:29 am »
My thoughts on method still stand.  We should reach out and say thanks.


General Discussion / Re: Management/Implementation Delegate Proposal
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:34:18 am »
Everyone, many of your answers to me are phrased as if I do not understand and am being ridiculous. You are acting as if this system is working perfectly and everything is getting done great. It is not doing that well though, barely anyone votes and many things are not getting done. I want to improve this mechanism.

I know it's supposed to be a decentralized system where bad delegates are voted out. I want it to be decentralized. Bitshares is a great basic concept, that is why I am here.

Stop taking my use of the word "management" so literally. Start assuming everything I suggest is supposed to fit within the decentralized framework of bitshares. We will make a lot more progress that way. If I have to literally type out everything I think in specific detail to make my point it would take too long. Work with me here, stop assuming all the negative possible intentions of my suggestions and instead assume the positive.

I am trying to find a find a way to improve bitshares. Help me.

Gamey and I have been engaged in discussing solutions. You are welcome to join in since you say you are eager to want to find ways to improve. Look at my last post.. suggestions?

General Discussion / Re: Management/Implementation Delegate Proposal
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:30:09 am »
We need a place to put updates.  I still like some variation of wall burning then it cna be put on bitsharesblocks .  There are a few problems though .. burning is anonymous, and even if it isn't, a person might not have their delegate's keys available to make the update.  Having it all integrated into the blockchain would be very nice and give a nice air of authority to what we are doing.  It also makes it obvious those who are doing nothing.

I think a wiki format would be ideal. Directory of all current 101 delegates and past delegates that fell away. Each have their own page telling their history and their story. Delegates would have to keep a standardized timetable of reporting on the pages updated. Also maintain any other relevant information to what they are doing including links out to possible projects they are working on in relation.

I would be willing to setup a wiki for this purpose for everyone, however, your idea about the burn using the blockchain like you said makes sense... but if it comes to that perhaps if that new feature gets implemented it can have a feed with it so that it can be exported to be part of their wiki information.

Sound good? Other suggestions?

Wiki works but I don't know why you'd want such an unstructured approach to the data.  It makes it hard to manage the updates.  I would like to see  updates sorted by date so we can see those who haven't been around etc. I also like the idea of short updates so we can feed some of it into twitter and maybe push out some interesting tweets.

I am all for structured data.. just can't think of anything out of the box that would accomplish that though.

Microblogging sounds like what you are suggesting.. could use self-hosted and push out updates to twitter as well if necessary

We are planning a delegate launch and part of our strategy for management will be having a subdomain website setup to mirror our delegates name and will publish the URL in our details. There we will post updates and link it to all our social platforms. (G+ Twitter Linkedin Facebook).

I think if all delegates were to follow this same standard, BitShares would have their marketing taken care of.

Note I said ALL delegates, not just the 100%ers. I think if this became a standard for getting voted in, it would make it easy for members to follow them, would enhance the reach of the BitShares brand, and hey.. wouldn't hurt for whatever else the delegate is doing in their project in support of BitShares.

If all the delegates somehow can setup servers but don't know how to setup a website (whut?), then it seems a Multi User Wordpress site with domain support would do the trick. You can sort by dates with that.. and the main site can have a feed of all delegate sites.

Does that make sense?

General Discussion / Re: Project Bring Back Method's Passion...
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:02:47 am »
Nullstreet is fine.  Methodx said he had other opportunities he wants to attend to so he can not dedicate as much time.  This concerns people.  I'm counseling people to not worry about it.  Trying to wishfully will someone to be a leader when they don't want ot work is not the correct approach.  If methodx wants to take time off that is fine.  He was critical in bringing null-street together and has done some other things but the marketing effort will not die off because of him.  I think Nullstreet has brought some more people out of the woodwork and so even if Methodx has no more time to give us, we are still way ahead from where we'd be without him.

Thanks for this.  +5%

General Discussion / Re: Management/Implementation Delegate Proposal
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:00:31 am »
We need a place to put updates.  I still like some variation of wall burning then it cna be put on bitsharesblocks .  There are a few problems though .. burning is anonymous, and even if it isn't, a person might not have their delegate's keys available to make the update.  Having it all integrated into the blockchain would be very nice and give a nice air of authority to what we are doing.  It also makes it obvious those who are doing nothing.

I think a wiki format would be ideal. Directory of all current 101 delegates and past delegates that fell away. Each have their own page telling their history and their story. Delegates would have to keep a standardized timetable of reporting on the pages updated. Also maintain any other relevant information to what they are doing including links out to possible projects they are working on in relation.

I would be willing to setup a wiki for this purpose for everyone, however, your idea about the burn using the blockchain like you said makes sense... but if it comes to that perhaps if that new feature gets implemented it can have a feed with it so that it can be exported to be part of their wiki information.

Sound good? Other suggestions?

General Discussion / Re: ShapeShift useful for bitUSD?
« on: February 08, 2015, 12:06:39 am »

but will add more coin icons soon...

They are nice.. just wonder if a $ in some way might be apt for the bit asset.. similarly for the other assets based on other fiat.

Or is that an issue?

General Discussion / Re: Management/Implementation Delegate Proposal
« on: February 07, 2015, 11:43:46 pm »


Please elaborate.

I think it means "Laugh My Ass Off".

I can't speak for gamey, but if I had to guess, I think this meant he found your proposal funny.

What part? I am not sure, there is a lot to choose from. Perhaps the centralized delegate dictator idea that sort of has no place for a decentralized ecosystem in particular? My best guess.

If you aren't happy with the product development everything is open source, you can always create your own to contribute and create them in the manner you have outlined as your method of organization.

Hope this helped elaborate.

General Discussion / Re: Project Bring Back Method's Passion...
« on: February 07, 2015, 11:34:44 pm »

Family is one thing.  This is another.  Personally, if I were to need a little lift, I would want the choice of publicly announcing it, and if someone else made that choice for me I'd be spitting fire. 

I've seen you spit fire!! Don't mess with the Mira!

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares African Initiative - a proposal part 1
« on: February 07, 2015, 09:58:29 pm »
Having lived in Africa (Nigeria-oh!) for a while, I understand rather well the challenges people face there with the frustration the monetary system has imposed on them.

Looking forward to what you will share tomorrow.

Watching this carefully.


General Discussion / Re: Project Bring Back Method's Passion...
« on: February 07, 2015, 07:29:35 pm »

Good point.  +5%

You can only lead a horse to water.

Think this has been done in spades.

If it had the desired impact, I think we would have heard something from him by now.

Hope he does well in his endevours... pretty sure when the affiliate program kicks in you will see him and others popping in.

Quick update - on track for changing the pool over to BitUSD payouts around this time tommorow.

Miners won't need to change anything - it'll be all automatic!

 +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5%

General Discussion / Re: A Better Solution for Greece - Crypto Drachma
« on: February 07, 2015, 01:47:04 pm »
I dont think that launching the old currency as a cryptocurrency will do anything to help.
Conversion to bitGold would be a cool solution however it would be more complicated than converting to bitEuro.
It would be great publicity if people in Greece start converting their Euro to bitEuro.

You're right... a country adopting a crypto standard would be a tipping point event for the entire crypto industry.

General Discussion / Re: The surveys we are receiving
« on: February 07, 2015, 01:44:41 pm »
While it is a good idea to keep questionnaires sent to a wider audience to a minimum to ensure greater number of responses.

I am sure that the community would be very willing to answer a lot more questions at a time.

If many more questions need answering, if links to such were posted on the forum I am sure there would still be good responses to questionnaires that take more time.

I don't quite understand what you are hoping for here. The forum allows anybody to start a threat and share their thoughts.. we all know that the devs are active here and will get your feedback without prompting for it through a survey or questionnaire.

The forum encourages others as well, sometimes giving insight into things they otherwise wouldn't get from a form fill and submit to the survey.

If there is some burning question you have in mind that you really like to give your input to bitshares on.. why not here?

General Discussion / Re: [BUNKER NEWS] -- It's BitAwesome!
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:17:45 am »
I thought it was a fascinating presentation on mumble and a really exciting project.  I'll be watching this.


Yeah really interesting stuff DataSecurityNode, thanks for taking the time to give us an overview on mumble.

Thank YOU! Was looking for ideas and feedback and I got exactly what I was looking for.

General Discussion / Re: Project Bring Back Method's Passion...
« on: February 07, 2015, 08:05:28 am »
Is there any chance we can delete this thread and work on achieving this with private communications?

I really dont think bitshares needs even more disappointing news right now.  MethodX has done a lot for us, and I'm sure he will do more again in the future at some point, and his delegate money is going towards needed advertising campaigns.

I worry that this thread will be interpreted by the chinese community as "the western people are doing nothing" which would be innacurate.

I understand your trepidation... Personally I would not fret over what the Chinese think on this. This is just a personal plea to someone.. though they might not have done it in such a public manner the way this is. People here do things differently sometimes.

bitsharesmarket assessment seems about right. Not the right time or place for him right now with all he has on the go.. I know the feeling well... past leaving a bad taste is also understandable. Perhaps if he saw some of the more recent cool stuff going on he might get excited.. Maybe someone should create a futures on him coming back :)

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