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Messages - smokim11

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General Discussion / Re: Large 10+ btc buys on cryptsy today!
« on: December 16, 2013, 01:24:31 am »
Kind of weird since memorycoin was launched PTS Is diving. That can't be good.

MemoryCoin / Re: Distribution At Block 32000 - MemoryCoin 2.0
« on: December 15, 2013, 11:11:29 pm »
Why is the miner using so little RAM? I have 71GB of RAM on my server with 8 cores, and it's only using 2% of it. Shouldn't utilizing more RAM help this substantially? This IS MemoryCoin after all, isn't it?

I think it only needs 1GB regardless of the amount of threads you use.

This coin desperately needs a pool and a working miner. A fix for the wallet sync problem alot including me are ecountering or 2.0 is going to fail just like 1.0 did.

General Discussion / Re: Large 10+ btc buys on cryptsy today!
« on: December 15, 2013, 03:13:45 pm »
Heavy selling on btc38 and cryptsy, people see the price drop a few dollars they panic.

MemoryCoin / Re: Distribution At Block 32000 - MemoryCoin 2.0
« on: December 15, 2013, 03:07:24 pm »
same problem like me try this if you don'T try it before

go to Help -> Debug Window. Then type in the box line by line

addnode add
addnode add
addnode add
addnode add
addnode add
addnode add
addnode add

Then just wait a couple minutes.

Gave it a hour, I already added every node posted at bitcointalk memorycoin thread.

Shutting down my servers, wasted 50$ on this, had a 100 servers running from amazon. I think pool mining is not an option for this coin at the moment too.

I will no longer waste time trying to mine this coin, wallet won't even sync.

MemoryCoin / Re: Distribution At Block 32000 - MemoryCoin 2.0
« on: December 15, 2013, 02:02:22 pm »
adding nodes, restarted the wallet, deleted the appdata and restarted the wallet.

Its not connecting, i can see it connects then disconnects and keeps doing that.

Giving it a few more minutes then giving up on this coin.

MemoryCoin / Re: Distribution At Block 32000 - MemoryCoin 2.0
« on: December 15, 2013, 01:51:19 pm »
I'm getting no blocksource available, the wallet is working on my personal computer but on my servers its giving that error.

MemoryCoin / Re: Distribution At Block 32000 - MemoryCoin 2.0
« on: December 15, 2013, 01:37:04 pm »
so do I have to config the conf file or just hit start mining within the wallet?

MemoryCoin / Re: Distribution At Block 32000 - MemoryCoin 2.0
« on: December 15, 2013, 10:37:50 am »
Great work FreeTrade and thank you for helping test the concept and I am sure we will learn a lot from your experience.

Not having looked at FreeTrade's code I can only describe how I would implement it... I would simply copy my wallet.dat file from ~/.protoshares to ~/.memorycoin2 as I doubt FreeTrade has changed the wallet format.

Unfortunately this won't work - the private key internally uses a different special byte, and this seems to be stored in the wallet.

Actually I've just tested this again and my apologies, this will work.

The wallet contains a lot of extra stuff like transactions and addresses that are not valid on the network, so continuing to use the wallet may cause stability problems if it tries to propogate the invalid info, but a quick way to import your coins, this will work very nicely.

If using this method, I suggest sending the coins to a fresh MC wallet as the first transaction.

I would like to ask which miner should we use to mine coins?

Does pooler-cpu miner work or would it be possible to use jhprotominer for example? Or is it solo mining for now until someone creates a miner compatible with memorycoin?


BitShares PTS / Re: ProtoShares Top Rich List at block 32000
« on: December 14, 2013, 01:07:14 pm »
How much is this suppose to be: 1423232842 ?

142? I never had that much in my wallet nor mined that amount.

Or do we divide that number over 10 to get the total amount of memcoins we get?

8 decimals, 14 pts

I thought that would be it but I mined over 100 PTS still got almost all of it.

Finally don't have to keep refreshing coinmarketcap to see price updates.

I would suggest making the blue window with the price alittle bit bigger there's alot of void space.

Maybe add the Logo too.

Donated 0.2 PTS each to back-end and front designer for support.

Good job!

BitShares PTS / Re: Question about mining whit
« on: December 14, 2013, 09:19:22 am »
Yep, difficulty increased.  I added more cores and am now receiving a very dismal output.  Hopefully the price on exchanges of XPM will realize this difficulty increase and prices will be more competitive!

It will take sometime, you'll notice that when PTS was around 4-6$ it was stable on that price then jumped to 12$ then to 30$.

Its currently stable around 18-22$ we should see another jump soon. The slower it goes up the better that means its not being pumped and hence not going to be dumped as fast as it was pumped.

Prices stable and slowly increase mean smart money is buying PTS. Pump and dump is stupid money and never lasts.

BitShares PTS / Re: ProtoShares Top Rich List at block 32000
« on: December 14, 2013, 09:15:58 am »
How much is this suppose to be: 1423232842 ?

142? I never had that much in my wallet nor mined that amount.

Or do we divide that number over 10 to get the total amount of memcoins we get?

BitShares PTS / Re: crypstsy
« on: December 14, 2013, 09:12:22 am »
It takes 6 confirmations but since its not automatic and added manually last time I deposited PTS it might take 12-24 hours. Want to speed it up open a support ticket.

I got accepted in this google compute, but then after setting it up, they killed stating my project was not the kind they wanted blablabla...
Did that happen to you guys too?

I got to step 2, they made me put my info and CC into my account. A few minutes ago I got an email telling me I got rejected stating that there are no more spots. Have to wait till Jan 2014 lol, they're probably lying as they always do.

Hard to share trials to the public, people abuse such promotions.

1000$ Google Cloud Compute Starter Pack

It takes 2-3 days until google enables your trial but it works really great.


Promo Codes:
1) nrc-org
2) gdg-in

Looks like a pretty good trial, but which promo code do you use? You provided 2 codes.

nrc-org is attached to this

I applied and wrote that I'd be using it to jack it up to 100% CPU usage on various CPU-centric alt cryptocurrencies, purely for profits.  Will let you know the result, etc.


well, i also mentioned how i'd be using new relic to monitor my instances

Seems I managed to get I think, just got an email from google with instructions on how to claim the credit. It says upto 2 weeks to get the credit.

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