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Messages - Yao

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Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Witnesses - please report in
« on: February 25, 2017, 02:35:04 pm »
witness.yao is active. ;)

Here is my witness proposal:,23628.0.html

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Worker Proposal] Advertisement at 8btc
« on: February 19, 2017, 06:20:12 am »
@Yao Looks super nice! Would you translate what is written on red "buttons"? I'm just curious.

RED buttons:
  • Deposits and withdrawals without any restrictions
  • High efficiency, full transparency
  • Strong stability
As you knows, almost all of China's trading platform is limited to BTC withdrawals now.

This picture tells Chinese BitCoin traders, they can buying and selling BTC with CNY without any restrictions in the BitShares DEX, the DEX is a P2P platform, there is no centralized entity, sell orders and buy orders are matched on blockchain.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Worker Proposal] Advertisement at 8btc
« on: February 19, 2017, 05:23:03 am »
I designed a new advertising picture for Advertisement at
PS:there is an amazing notebook DEX picture which is I got from thanks @btswolf

Please vote my witness: witness.yao

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Worker Proposal] Advertisement at 8btc
« on: February 16, 2017, 04:52:29 am »
I see you have just updated the wallet yesterday  +5%

And we need this for Chinese BTC traders ASAP, thx:

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Worker Proposal] Advertisement at 8btc
« on: February 16, 2017, 04:25:06 am »
@Yao  excellent man! I knew that this was a good ides despite what my friend @fav thinks.. Make sure that you explain them that they can also short bitassets such as bitbtc.. :)

Newcomers are just come here for buying and selling BTC with CNY, we need an easy way for trading BTC in DEX first. If they fall in love with DEX, I'll explain and teach them to short bitassets like bitCNY, bitUSD, bitBTC, bitGOLD, bitSILVER, ... :D

And about the trading fee of OPEN.BTC, the cheaper the transaction costs, the more users will trade. I really hope OpenLedger @CCEDK_ChM  will consider to reduce the trading fee, then it will attract more traders and market makers (mm bots).

Thanks for Chinese government, this is a great opportunity to expand the OPEN.BTC market.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Worker Proposal] Advertisement at 8btc
« on: February 15, 2017, 04:11:10 pm »
Today there are more than 100 people to join the Tencent QQ Group (HelloBTS, 423951676 ), it never happened before, it should be the advertising effect.

These newcomers mostly asking how to buy BTC in DEX  :D
I realized that there should be more publicity materials and channels, so I made a trading flow chart (quoted below), posted it in and pushed it to 3456 subscribers of HelloBTS WeChat subscription and WeChat Group.

中国政府对比特币交易平台提出了履行反洗钱和 KYC 政策的要求,中国的大多数交易平台都暂停了提现 BTC 的业务,这是一个让 RMB 交易者进入 BitShares DEX 买卖 BTC 的难得机遇,我制作了一个简单的交易流程介绍图,希望能为 OPEN.BTC : bitCNY 市场带来新用户。

The Chinese government requires BTC trading platform to perform anti-money laundering and KYC policy, most of China's trading platform, suspended withdrawal BTC business, this is a rare opportunity for RMB traders get into BitShares DEX buying and selling BTC , I made a simple transaction process diagram, hopes to brings some new user for  OPEN.BTC: bitCNY market.

General Discussion / Re: Transaction Throughput Testing
« on: January 01, 2017, 08:19:21 am »
we will contribute at least one Dedicated servers for this Testing with my partner Yao(;u=2134).  When will the Testing begin and How long will it be lasting?

I will build the node when my server is ready recently, my server will be hosted in AliYun Cloud , China.

Our BitShares witness ([Witness Proposal] 1.6.71 - witness.yao) is active now, we hope to have a better understanding of the witness mechanism and BitShares blockchain by participating the testing. ;)

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Witness Proposal] 1.6.71 - witness.yao
« on: December 30, 2016, 03:11:15 pm »
Hi Yao,

Thank you for your efforts and work for BitShares. I will vote for your Witness.

Can you share a few more info about the YOYOW project?

cheers Chris

Thanks for your VOTE!

YOYOW, You Own Your Own Words.

YOYOW is similar to Steemit ( not a fork of STEEM, it was develpoed based on the underlying Graphene protocol ), it is also a Blockchain based content incentive platform, focus on China.

Steemit like Reddit, YOYOW is more like Quora + Reddit and more.

The more important difference is that YOYOW uses economic strategies different from Steemit.
That is the separation of the rigth to vote ( management structure is similar to BitShares 2.0, shareholders grasp the direction of the YOYOW DAC ) and the right to judge content ( upvote or downvote).

There are two kinds of tokens in YOYOW Blockchain, yoyo and words:
  • yoyo, the shares of YOYOW Blockchain, just like BTS in BitShares. The way to get yoyo include: participate in ICO, buy from market, system rewards ( create, filter and promote quality UGC content ) and so on.
  • words, the right and the weight to judge content, words is like an honor value which is depend on the user's contribution. This is because YOYOW is a media platform used in China, operators and moderators ( selected by shareholders voting ) need to control the content, people with poor character, such as piracy and inappropriate speech (violence, murder, pornography) will be deducted from a certain number of words, and will reduce his reward coefficient.
More info:

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Witness Proposal] 1.6.71 - witness.yao
« on: December 29, 2016, 03:54:06 pm »
Very cool Yao. Amazing to see someone who's been around since keyhotee. BTS has a long history, but through that we've managed to hone the technology and mature to a very useful product on the best blockchain.
I'll vote for your witness.

Thanks! @KenMonkey

Yes, BitShares is still the most advanced BlockChain Technology!
Many of the early investors in Chinese community, like me, believe that BitShares has now gone through the stage of speculation, what is needed now is for real users to use this product.

BitShares is a DAC, development business is the fundamental.

Now BitShares 2.0 has high performance and high scalability, and many applications can be built on top of it, what I see gives me confidence:

  • DEX ( like OpenLedger, BTSabc, BTSBots, ...) and gateways (TransWiser, BlockTrades, CCEDK, BTSabc, ...) are the basis for everything.
  • Secondary developed applications like BlockPay and Echo is the beginning of ecological development

We can anticipate that BitShares chain based applications will be more and more, as well as the amount of users.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Witness Proposal] 1.6.71 - witness.yao
« on: December 27, 2016, 11:45:45 am »
[Edit] 20170501:
鉴于所租用的 linode 服务器一个月内出现了两次硬件故障(分别发生在北京时间 20170404 和 20170428 的夜间),恢复后重新同步数据耗时长,导致大量丢块(两次事故丢块近 3000)。

witness.yao 已经更换了服务器运营商,并部署了双机热备(同时运行两台 16G 内存的见证人服务器,其中一台出现硬件故障后可以将出块权切换至另一台一直同步数据并待命的服务器),以应对因为类似的服务器故障导致的丢块事件。

自我们的见证人上线以来,目前总丢块数 3115,我们希望通过这种应对措施,不再继续丢块!

In consideration of our linode server appeared hardware malfunction twice a month(20170404 & 20170428 midnight of UTC+8), after server recovery we have to resynchronize the blockchain data, deploy witness and price script , which often takes several hours(if it happens at night, it's a nightmare) , causing us missed a lot of blocks (in the two accidents we missed about 3000 blocks :-[  ).

Now, witness.yao has fired Linode, transfer to another server operators, and we deployed hot standby in response to similar emergencies. Yes, we run two sets of memory capacity up to 16G of the witness server, when one hardware malfunction occurs, we can switch to the standby server which has been kept in sync with the blockchain.

And up to now, we missed a total of 3115 blocks since we got voted in "Active" witness list, we hope that by this way, the number of missed blocks will no longer increase.

为 BitShares 社区 2017 上海聚会设计了一张宣传海报
I designed a poster for BitShares Meetup of Shanghai in May 6th

[Edit] 20170320:
这些天交易量很猛, witness.yao 的见证人服务器已暂时升级到 12G 内存,根据需要会继续升级。如果 DEX 持续这个高交易量,我们会考虑升级到 16G 甚至更高!
These days trading volume is amazing, our witness server updated to Linode 12288 (12G memory) for the time being, will be upgraded as needed. If DEX continues to be high volume, we will consider upgrading to 16G or larger!

[Edit] 20170315:
业余时间为 BTSBots 的 APP 设计了一个 LOGO(非平面设计师,请多担待):
Designed a logo for BTSBots APP( logo design is not what I'm good at, unprofessional, pardon me ):

APP 可在 Google Play 应用商店下载,也可直接从 BTSBots 官方网站下载:
You can download the app from Google Play or here:

[Edit] 20170219:
今天做了张 DEX 广告图。
I designed an advertising picture:

[Edit] 20170215:
中国政府对比特币交易平台提出了履行反洗钱和 KYC 政策的要求,中国的大多数交易平台都暂停了提现 BTC 的业

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: 96%? Let's shake up witness voting.
« on: December 27, 2016, 10:42:56 am »
It's bugging me that the participation rate is 96% and not 100%. It looks like bitcube (@cube) has not produced a block in a month but is still a witness. I suggest moving votes away from bitcube and to delegate-1.lafona (@lafona) who has the lowest missed blocks rate of the top standby witnesses.
Particularly @bitcrab @Harvey @newtree (baicai) @Xeldal and @cass

@fav is voting awesomely, as usual. I <3 the cryptofresh voting page:

I'm also happy for folks to proxy to me, @kmnk
I have an interested in bitshares staying fantastic and I'll keep my votes up to date with what's working and what's not.

Voting in bitshares is super important and you can participate passively by proxying your vote to someone else. A lot of people choose @xeroc and although he is an superb community member with great knowledge he already has enormous sway (too much even by his own accounting) and doesn't respond quickly to changing workers and witnesses.

Witness.yao on standby!
I need your vote, thx.,23628.0.html

General Discussion / Re: who can tell me what's the GOLD price?
« on: December 27, 2016, 10:39:46 am »
Agreed. Price feeds are what makes settlements and margin calls work as intended.
I will take down my votes from lazy witnesses when i am back at the office next year.
I will alao work on a tool that makes it easier for witbesses to provide manual feeds ... but for now, i am on vacation :)

Witness.yao on standby!
I need your vote, thx.,23628.0.html

Stakeholder Proposals / [Witness Proposal] 1.6.71 - witness.yao
« on: December 27, 2016, 09:26:23 am »
我是比特股中文社区的 Yao,2013 年 11 月加入比特股社区,Keyhotee 项目捐资人,PTS、AGS、BTS 持有人,比特股和 Graphene 区块链技术的布道者。

在过去的两三年中,我曾积极参与中文区的讨论( 和,由于各种原因导致 BTS 价格下跌和社区分裂,我曾消失了大概半年。直到今年夏天对 BitShares 2.0 进行深入研究后,我开始在各种场合活跃起来,积极推广这个成熟的高性能区块链平台。

在比特股的各大 QQ 群和微信群,我一边自己研究一边指导新手,写各种入门和进阶教程、手把手地教和解疑答惑。这些教程大都发布在了 HelloBTS比特股官方群(423951676)、HelloBTS比特股社区微信公众号(hellobts)、、 等平台。在各种场合,倡导 BTS 持有人积极投票。

我尽我所能所知在推广所有基于 BitShares 2.0 和 Graphene 区块链技术的应用,比如 BTSBots、TransWiser、BTSabc、OpenLedger、ICOO、BlockPay、Echo、PeerPlays、Steemit 以及即将到来的 YOYOW(区块链版知乎,基于石墨烯块链技术底层协议开发的聚焦中文市场的知识内容平台)。

正如大家所知,中国的投机者是加密货币社区最活跃的一部分,BTSBots 的发布让我很兴奋,这意味着将会给比特股内盘带来不可估量的交易流动性。我很早就开始尝试运行做市机器人(做市账号:yao-bot),先自己学会,研究明白各种操作后写了手把手使用 BTSBots 的教程《BTSBots —— 比特股内盘做市机器人开放使用教程》,通过微信公众号发布,该教程在各大 QQ 群和微信群传播。

目前已经持续了六个多月,深入研究 BitShares 2.0 后越发觉得这项技术很了不起,即使还没有被更多人认识到比特股的价值,但我会一直做下去。为了更深入地研究 BitShares 2.0,我决定创建见证人来参与社区的建设 —— 时刻关注系统安全和市场情况(比如喂价等)。


kimziv,比特股社区的新生力量(BTS 持有者),曾就职于阿里巴巴,拥有丰富的软件开发经验,特别是 Android 和 IOS 的 APP。精通不同的开发语言(比如 Java、Objective-C、JavaScript、C/C++)来开发手机应用程序、服务和中间件。他现在是一家互联网公司的技术经理,此外,热衷于区块链技术,比特股就是其中之一。

  • 见证人账号:witness.yao
  • 见证人 id:1.6.71
  • 见证人服务器配置:Linode 4核,8G 内存

Hi, I'm Yao, a Keyhotee founder, PTSer, AGSer, BTSer and BitShares & Graphene preacher from China.

Over the past two or three years, I have been actively involved in Chinese community discussions in and, for various reasons leading to the BTS price decline, community split, I have disappeared about half a year, but did not sell BTS. Until this summer after in-depth study of BitShares 2.0, I began to active in a variety of occasions, and actively promote this mature high-performance blockchain platform.

The main thing I do in the Chinese community is coaching BitShares newbies by hands-on teaching and answer doubt through social apps like QQ and WeChat, and writing all kinds of tutorials ( the primary and advanced guidance published in QQ Group, WeChat Subscription,, and so on ). And, in various occasions, to remind BTS holders to vote actively.

I have been trying my best to spread all the applications based on BitShares 2.0 and Graphene Blockchain technology, such as BTSBots, TransWiser, BTSabc, OpenLedger, ICOO, BlockPay, Echo, PeerPlays, Steemit as well as upcoming YOYOW ( which is based on Graphene, and focus on China ).

As you know, Chinese speculators are the most active part of the crypto-currency community, BTSBots release let me very excited, which means that will bring immeasurable trading liquidity to the DEX. I started running a market making robot( yao-bot ) early, first learned to use, then wrote a step by step tutorial, published and spread.

This has lasted more than six months since I studied BitShares 2.0 in depth, and this will continue. In order to further study BitShares 2.0, I decided to create a witness to participate in community building: Keep my eyes on system security and market conditions such as Price Feed and so on.

I have a technical partner @kimziv, a BTS holder, who is responsible for maintaining the witness server. He had worked at Alibaba, has rich experience in software development, especially in Android and iOS app development, is proficient in using various development language(such as Java, Objective C, javascript and C/C++) for developing mobile app, server and middleware. Now he is a technology manager of an internet company. Besides, he is quite interested in blockchain technologies, Bitshares is one of them.

Our Witness:
  • witness account: witness.yao
  • witness id:1.6.71
  • witness server: Linode 8192, 96GB Disk, 4 CPU Cores, 4TB XFER

General Discussion / Re: [Discuss]Why we reject all Bitshares workers?
« on: December 25, 2016, 05:19:25 pm »
A normal flow of bounty is:
Shareholders feedback the demand firstly, then the committee is responsible for summarizing these demands and organizing voting to create bounty, then waiting for people to submit their work, then shareholders decide whether the work is qualified for bounty or not.

刚想到一个 bounty 金额由投票决定的思路:

首先,根据 bounty 任务的难度和工作量进行分级,给定不同的赏金系数。


以当前的“预算项目(worker)”投票情况来说,#1 worker 获得 375,721,810 BTS支持。我们可以以此为基础来确定每一个任务的 bounty 赏金系数。例如:

SS 级任务:1%,意味着 bounty 金额为:375w BTS
S 级任务:0.5%,意味着 bounty 金额为:187.5w BTS
A 级任务:0.25%,意味着 bounty 金额为:93.75w BTS
B 级任务:0.1%,意味着 bounty 金额为:37.5w BTS
C 级任务:0.05%,意味着 bounty 金额为:18.75w BTS
D 级任务:0.025%,意味着 bounty 金额为:9.375w BTS

其次,有两种方案来投票确定每一个任务的 bounty 赏金额度:


创建一个预算项目(worker),根据任务等级描述 bounty 系数,系数乘以支持该任务的总票数等于完成任务后可领取的 BTS 数量。

方案二:基础悬赏金额 + 额外奖励

由理事会根据任务难度议定 bounty 基础金额(在比特股这家公司里面,理事会成员的责任感更强,要么是大股东,要么看好公司前景,理事会来商定 bounty 的基础金额是有说服力的)。

额外的奖赏额度则由全体股东投票,同样采用方案一的方式,但 bounty 系数要降低到大约 1/10,系数乘以支持该任务的票数等于额外奖赏。在任务进行中,领取任务者随时公布动态,股东根据情况予以投票支持(类似打赏),额外的奖赏代表股东对该任务完成度的认可度!

在上面的两个方案中,BTS 股东支持这个项目就投票,投票就代表愿意稀释(从储备资金池支取 BTS),每一票(每一股 BTS)都代表要花钱,每一票都代表股东的意愿。至于手里总共有 100w 票但只想出 30w 票权重的投票支持,那就自己单独把 300w 票现转到自己的小账号里去投票支持对应的 bounty 项目。


I've just had a great idea that could determine the amount of bounty for each task by the VOTE of  BTS holders:

First of all, according to the classification of bounty task difficulty and workload, given different reward coefficient.

Task level from high to low like this:

SS: Highest tasks, is of vital importance must not fail.
S: Super tasks, related to the vital interests of the company.
A: Major tasks.
B: Frequent tasks.
C: Relatively simple tasks.
D: The simplest tasks, leisure tasks.

In the current project proposal vote situation, #1 worker got 375,721,810 BTS support, we can use this result as a base to determine the bounty coefficient for each task.


SS Task: 1%, means bounty amount = 3,750,000 BTS
S Task: 0.5%, means bounty amount = 1,875,000 BTS
A Task: 0.25%, means bounty amount = 937,500 BTS
B Task: 0.1%, means bounty amount = 375,000 BTS
C Task: 0.05%, means bounty amount = 187,500 BTS
D Task: 0.025%, means bounty amount = 93,750 BTS

Then, voting to determine the amount of bounty for each task in two ways:

Plan A: only BTS holders vote to determine the amount

Creat a project proposal(worker), describe the task level and the bounty coefficient,
[total number of votes]*[bounty coefficient]=[the amount of BTS for bounty].

Plan B: Basic task reward + Extra bonus

Committee discuss to determine the basic reward according to the difficulty of the task
( in the Company, BitShares DAC, committee members are more responsible, because they are either major shareholders, or is extremely optimistic about the prospects of BitShares, they discuss the amount of the decision is convincing).

Extra bonus can refer to Plan A to creat a project proposal(worker), but need to reduce the coefficient to about 1/10,
[basic task reward]+[total number of votes]*[bounty coefficient]=[the amount of BTS for bounty].
In the task, at any time to publish the dynamic, BTS holders to vote according to the circumstances, extra bonus on behalf of shareholders to the task completion degree of recognition.

In Plan A and B, BTS holders who support the bounty task, vote it. Vote for it means they they are willing to accept dilution ( agree to withdraw BTS from reserve pool), 1 BTS 1 vote, each BTS vote represents the wishes of shareholders. If I have 1,000,000 BTS in my account A, but I only want to vote it 300,000 BTS, I can transfer 300,000 BTS to account B then vote it.

Above is my idea for exchange discussion.

General Discussion / Re: [Discuss]Why we reject all Bitshares workers?
« on: December 25, 2016, 01:43:19 pm »

个人不太喜欢把 BTS 按当前价格来计价然后付工资给 worker 这种方式,特别是目前没有资金愿意持续进入比特股这家分布式自治公司的情况下,以比特股目前的低市值,公司尚未实现盈利,储备资金池积蓄的法币价值无法支撑长期支出工资。


持股员工会与公司齐心协力、同舟共济!Bitshares DAC 这家公司当前就处在发展的困境之中。

I love the bounty model!

Personally do not like to price BTS at current price and then pay the worker, especially in the present case that no money continue to flow into the BitShares DAC, you see, this company is currently not profitable, and the current market cap of BTS is so low, the Fiat Currency measured value of reserve pool is unable to support long-term workers payment.

For the current undervalued BitShares, it is just like a start-up company, equity incentive paid work is better than wage, whether from the efficiency of capital utilization or from the perspective of community cohesion. And we have no money now, only reserve pool shares can be allocated.

BTS (shares of BitShares Distributed Autonomous Company) is the cohesion of BitShares DAC, not Fiat!
The company and ESOP employees work together to pull together in times of trouble,Bitshares DAC is currently in the dilemma of development.

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