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Messages - Yao

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: 代码
« on: June 16, 2017, 12:36:17 pm »
 :P 微信群已转发告知!

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 急!pts钱包导入密码始终不对
« on: June 15, 2017, 04:21:50 am »

我写过教程,各比特股 QQ 群文件有共享,文件名:原始股(PTS、AGS)兑换BTS、PLS、MUSE 教程 20160714 修订.doc 上也有这篇教程的 20160707 版: 以及两个 MUSE API 服务器节点。

2.0 钱包“设置”——“钱包”——“查询余额”看是否还有没领取的 BTS?

20141105 这个时间节点(大合并快照)你的 15w BTS 在哪里?在钱包里还是已经转出去了?

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 寻求老PTS玩家帮助,谢谢
« on: June 15, 2017, 04:05:55 am »
基本流程:在 keyhotee 里获取你捐的 Founder ID 账号,然后导入 BTS 0.5.3 钱包会得到你捐助获得的 BTS 账户名,控制台 rescan 获取 BTS 余额,升级 0.9.3c,再升级到 2.0!

Keyhotee 导入 BTS 0.5.3 参见 logxing 之前写的教程:,6151.msg82045.html#msg82045

强烈建议在 0.5.3 扫描到余额确认无误之后再升级 0.9.3c,然后升级 2.0。

如果扫描完(100% 进度完成)仍然看不到余额——前段时间是可以直接看到余额,最近很多老玩家在扫描后仍然看不到余额——只需要锁定钱包再解锁(或者关闭钱包再打开)应该就能看到了,如果还看不到余额或余额不对,那可能就是 PTS 钱包的问题了。

确定可获取的 BTS 份额,请注意两个时间节点:

20140228,BitSharesX 链快照,快照时 PTS 和 AGS 存在钱包的可以获得 BTS 初始份额(BTS 初始总量 20 亿)。
20141105,BitShares 系大合并快照,快照时持有 PTS、AGS、DNS、BTS 的可获得增发配股(大合并增发了 5 亿股),大约可获得初始份额的 10% 左右。这部分份额可在 2.0 链上领取。


我写过教程,各比特股 QQ 群文件有共享,文件名:原始股(PTS、AGS)兑换BTS、PLS、MUSE 教程 20160714 修订.doc

中文 (Chinese) / Re: pts导入bts问题
« on: June 15, 2017, 03:40:42 am »
你必须在 2.0 里创建账号之后才能 Claim 余额。

强烈建议在 0.5.3 扫描到余额确认无误之后再升级 0.9.3c,然后升级 2.0。

如果扫描完(100% 进度完成)仍然看不到余额——前段时间是可以直接看到余额,最近很多老玩家在扫描后仍然看不到余额——只需要锁定钱包再解锁(或者关闭钱包再打开)应该就能看到了,如果还看不到余额或余额不对,那可能就是 PTS 钱包的问题了。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: json后缀老钱包怎么导入新软件?
« on: June 15, 2017, 03:31:38 am »
确定可获取的 BTS 份额,请注意两个时间节点:

20140228,BitSharesX 链快照,快照时 PTS 和 AGS 存在钱包的可以获得 BTS 初始份额(BTS 初始总量 20 亿)。
20141105,BitShares 系大合并快照,快照时持有 PTS、AGS、DNS、BTS 的可获得增发配股(大合并增发了 5 亿股),大约可获得初始份额的 10% 左右。这部分份额可在 2.0 链上领取。


中文 (Chinese) / Re: 去中心化淘宝-天街简介
« on: June 15, 2017, 03:00:43 am »
@skyStreet 项目有新进展么?披露更多的信息,争取社区和 BTS 股东的投票支持。

用官方的网页钱包试试吧,可能是 的问题。

In my opinion the worker proposal system is fine the way it is... It is similar to the way many companies compensate their employees, via stock options.  It provides incentive for the developers to do good work and promote the ecosystem.

Startups provide stock based compensation because it works.  It brings in the best talent, because it promotes greed.  Also, it's not like this recent price pump didn't factor in the worker proposal system.  The market knew that the dev's would get a dramatic bump in salary but bought anyway.

Agree. The limited shares in the reserve pool (reserve balance is less than 1 billion now ) should not be measured in Fait ( USD, CNY or others ), BTS should be distributed in the manner of startups' stock.

Here are some views:
A normal flow of bounty is:
Shareholders feedback the demand firstly, then the committee is responsible for summarizing these demands and organizing voting to create bounty, then waiting for people to submit their work, then shareholders decide whether the work is qualified for bounty or not.

刚想到一个 bounty 金额由投票决定的思路:

首先,根据 bounty 任务的难度和工作量进行分级,给定不同的赏金系数。


以当前的“预算项目(worker)”投票情况来说,#1 worker 获得 375,721,810 BTS支持。我们可以以此为基础来确定每一个任务的 bounty 赏金系数。例如:

SS 级任务:1%,意味着 bounty 金额为:375w BTS
S 级任务:0.5%,意味着 bounty 金额为:187.5w BTS
A 级任务:0.25%,意味着 bounty 金额为:93.75w BTS
B 级任务:0.1%,意味着 bounty 金额为:37.5w BTS
C 级任务:0.05%,意味着 bounty 金额为:18.75w BTS
D 级任务:0.025%,意味着 bounty 金额为:9.375w BTS

其次,有两种方案来投票确定每一个任务的 bounty 赏金额度:


创建一个预算项目(worker),根据任务等级描述 bounty 系数,系数乘以支持该任务的总票数等于完成任务后可领取的 BTS 数量。

方案二:基础悬赏金额 + 额外奖励

由理事会根据任务难度议定 bounty 基础金额(在比特股这家公司里面,理事会成员的责任感更强,要么是大股东,要么看好公司前景,理事会来商定 bounty 的基础金额是有说服力的)。

额外的奖赏额度则由全体股东投票,同样采用方案一的方式,但 bounty 系数要降低到大约 1/10,系数乘以支持该任务的票数等于额外奖赏。在任务进行中,领取任务者随时公布动态,股东根据情况予以投票支持(类似打赏),额外的奖赏代表股东对该任务完成度的认可度!

在上面的两个方案中,BTS 股东支持这个项目就投票,投票就代表愿意稀释(从储备资金池支取 BTS),每一票(每一股 BTS)都代表要花钱,每一票都代表股东的意愿。至于手里总共有 100w 票但只想出 30w 票权重的投票支持,那就自己单独把 300w 票现转到自己的小账号里去投票支持对应的 bounty 项目。


I've just had a great idea that could determine the amount of bounty for each task by the VOTE of  BTS holders:

First of all, according to the classification of bounty task difficulty and workload, given different reward coefficient.

Task level from high to low like this:

SS: Highest tasks, is of vital importance must not fail.
S: Super tasks, related to the vital interests of the company.
A: Major tasks.
B: Frequent tasks.
C: Relatively simple tasks.
D: The simplest tasks, leisure tasks.

In the current project proposal vote situation, #1 worker got 375,721,810 BTS support, we can use this result as a base to determine the bounty coefficient for each task.


SS Task: 1%, means bounty amount = 3,750,000 BTS
S Task: 0.5%, means bounty amount = 1,875,000 BTS
A Task: 0.25%, means bounty amount = 937,500 BTS
B Task: 0.1%, means bounty amount = 375,000 BTS
C Task: 0.05%, means bounty amount = 187,500 BTS
D Task: 0.025%, means bounty amount = 93,750 BTS

Then, voting to determine the amount of bounty for each task in two ways:

Plan A: only BTS holders vote to determine the amount

Creat a project proposal(worker), describe the task level and the bounty coefficient,
[total number of votes]*[bounty coefficient]=[the amount of BTS for bounty].

Plan B: Basic task reward + Extra bonus

Committee discuss to determine the basic reward according to the difficulty of the task
( in the Company, BitShares DAC, committee members are more responsible, because they are either major shareholders, or is extremely optimistic about the prospects of BitShares, they discuss the amount of the decision is convincing).

Extra bonus can refer to Plan A to creat a project proposal(worker), but need to reduce the coefficient to about 1/10,
[basic task reward]+[total number of votes]*[bounty coefficient]=[the amount of BTS for bounty].
In the task, at any time to publish the dynamic, BTS holders to vote according to the circumstances, extra bonus on behalf of shareholders to the task completion degree of recognition.

In Plan A and B, BTS holders who support the bounty task, vote it. Vote for it means they they are willing to accept dilution ( agree to withdraw BTS from reserve pool), 1 BTS 1 vote, each BTS vote represents the wishes of shareholders. If I have 1,000,000 BTS in my account A, but I only want to vote it 300,000 BTS, I can transfer 300,000 BTS to account B then vote it.

Above is my idea for exchange discussion.

2017-05-03 投票支持俄国团队(的见证人:blchchnd

+5% Incredible Russian team! Your execution make people sit up and take notice. :D
BitShares community need more team like you, we will once again brilliant!

I'm a proxy, you have my vote!

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Witness Proposal] blckchnd
« on: May 03, 2017, 07:11:30 am »
 +5% Incredible Russian team! Your execution make people sit up and take notice. :D
BitShares community need more team like you, we will once again brilliant!

I'm a proxy, you have my vote!

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