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Messages - inarizushi

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General Discussion / Re: Proposal to Resolve a Million Issues at Once
« on: October 20, 2014, 08:25:07 am »
I love the new proposal, but hate the confusion/instability. Too many delegates, that's true. Incoherent and embarrassing POW for PTS, that's true. Fixing illiquid AGS, great. One BitUSD to rule them all, huge. And I'm all for patience for the marketing side.

But the functional 1.0 wallet must be released, and the marketing campaign be launched at some point. i3 will have to focus on development. I hope this proposal will pass, and after that, no more messing around...

General Discussion / Re: whats i3
« on: October 20, 2014, 06:56:29 am »
i3 = Invictus Innovations Incorporated, BTSX developers

General Discussion / Re: short / medium term price speculation for BTSX
« on: October 19, 2014, 04:26:01 pm »
I'd love to have not invested all my available money already :/.

Sellwall of 40 bitcoins worth of BTSX at 0.0000575 BTC (on BTER)... Gosh

General Discussion / Re: short / medium term price speculation for BTSX
« on: October 19, 2014, 09:14:57 am »
Price down, so much sell volume... any idea why ? are we losing all our chinese investors ?

General Discussion / Re: Should we continue to funding mining of PTS?
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:35:15 am »
Can we just PLEASE make a new CLEAN and STICKY topic with what is going to happen to PTS and a clear time frame for it to happen and the rules etc etc etc (and no possibility to comment) - i think this is quite important, as lots of us are worried this might hurt bitshares if not done properly.
BTW, all this campaign MUST be followed directly and all along the line by CLEARLY stating everywhere that NOTHING IS BEING ERASED
+5% +5%

General Discussion / Re: TimeBank DAC
« on: October 16, 2014, 09:33:31 pm »
I must have missed something. Are these guys honoring the BitShares Social Consensus? No? With all due respect to Fuzz and all your wonderful, unsung efforts to improve this world, if Cinni is walking off with this technology without thanking this community, then screw 'em. There are times to be touchy-feely-friendly and cooperate with other coin communities. And there are times to stand up for this community and demand greater respect.

Two choices, Cinni:
(1) Drop 10%+ each on AGS and PTS holders, honoring the BitShares Social Consensus and respecting the developers/investors who have put in their time, money, and determination to help build this toolkit.


(2) Float your coin as an asset on the BitShares X chain.

You do neither, then I don't care if you're using DPoS. You're not a part of BitShares and you don't deserve any help with your shitcoin from us. That's not me being selfish or nasty. That's me standing up for this community, which I think deserves real respect from you.

They are honoring the social consensus:
There's your answer. (caveat: he seems to have made a math error and his exact numbers need to be corrected to hit 10%/10%, but I think that was just oversight.)

To all the rest of the angry BitShares people who have been so hostile towards Cinni, please think about what you're doing! Whether Cinni turns out to be innovative or not, it is pioneering the process of forking BitShares and doing it exactly right: they're honoring the social consensus. If the very first consensus-honoring BitShares fork is turned away with tribalistic sneers and jeers and allegations of "scam" and "shitcoin," why do you think any other dev would waste his or her time honoring the social consensus?

Cinni is setting an important precedent for BitShares forks: Honor the Social Consensus.

BitShares community, Please do not set a precedent of hostility towards coins that freely offer to honor the social consensus!

If he had shown up with anything else than a shitcoin (well, shitshares), he would have been welcomed with fireworks. Here, he whales himself 80% of the shares of a bitshares X clone with no apparent value, and doesn't even try to justify his project. That doesn't deserve a strong support of the community, because it quite obviously has no value.

General Discussion / Re: TimeBank DAC
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:17:31 pm »
Just to remind, for people in here who do not treat Cinni seriously.

25 of April 2014, CinniCoin generated over $1,000,000 in a 24 hour period, coming in as the 4th largest traded crypto coin in the world (at that time), just under DogeCoin. Currently, CinniCoin is #35 on coinmarketcap generating a market cap of over $600,000.

He might show us yet, we'll see.

#35 in coinmarketcap ? in which world ? 1-click verifiable false claims don't make me want to treat you more seriously.

And who are you ? Cinni's multi account, aka Cinni himself ? Just a bet, but that would not surprise me at all, you seem have the exact same lack of maturity. Or are you supposed to be Cinni's assistant, doing the hard public relation job while he is restlessly developping the future of the world ?

General Discussion / Re: If you're new, how did you hear about bitshares?
« on: October 13, 2014, 09:13:00 pm »
A few weeks ago I decided to research the top 10 coins on coinmarketcap.  Bought bitshares.

Ahahahah exactly the same !

Français (French) / Re: Comment implanter bitshares en France ?
« on: October 13, 2014, 07:25:06 am »
Ah non je ne connaissais pas truthcoin, merci ! Je vais me pencher un peu sur les prediction market. Effectivement c'est proche de ce que je cherche, mais il faudrait une couche en plus je pense. Il faudrait que les scientifiques eux même participent, car actuellement très très rarement les scientifiques opposent frontalement leurs théories (en psychologie et en neurosciences, en tout cas). Je verrais le processus suivant :
1) deux scientifiques qui ont des théories différentes sur un sujet précis se lancent un défi
2) ils se mettent d'accord sur un protocole précis où ils font des prédictions différentes
3) ils se mettent d'accord sur le traitement des données et sur la règle d'arrêt de l'expérience (on continue jusqu'à ce que l'expérience donne raison à l'un ou à l'autre)
4) on lève des fonds : les gens parient sur le résultat
5) un parti tiers, des techniciens désintéressés, fait passer l'expérience. Il faut que tout soit open-source, et par exemple que les passations soient filmées.
6) les résultats s'accumulent automatiquement (et transmis par blockchain au fur et à mesure) jusqu'à ce que les critères d'arrêt soient atteints, moment auquel les gains sont distribués, et un article scientifique peut être publié

General Discussion / Re: TimeBank DAC
« on: October 12, 2014, 08:34:39 pm »
I would prefer that they distribute to PTS/AGS holders, but in my opinion the bitshares community shouldn't give positive feedback and pretend such projects add value if they don't.

Français (French) / Re: Comment implanter bitshares en France ?
« on: October 12, 2014, 08:18:46 pm »
Quand je disais "monter une boite autour de bitshares", je ne pensais pas à une DAC ou à un clône, mais à une start-up du type "la maison du bitcoin" (mais pour bitshares évidemment).

Mon idée de DAC n'est pas encore à l'état de projet, c'est juste une idée, je n'ai pas encore de business model. Je pense que ce serait génial d'avoir un système pour parier sur les résultats d'études scientifiques, et pour inciter les scientifiques à vraiment confronter leurs théories aux faits. Je suis très déçu du monde scientifique, la méthode scientifique est rarement respectée, pleins de chercheurs ne comprennent rien aux stats et font n'importe quoi, et il y a tellement d'enjeux politiques pour avoir les financements. Il y a plein de choses à faire pour optimiser la science, et j'adorerais un monde où les gens iraient parier sur leur théorie scientifique préférée plutôt qu'au PMU.

Français (French) / Re: Comment implanter bitshares en France ?
« on: October 12, 2014, 11:28:04 am »
Je n'ai pas du tout exploré NXT, à vrai dire. Ce que j'en ai vu ne m'a pas donné envie de m'informer plus. Le système bitshares, avec ses DAC, DPOS, et bitUSD, en revanche, je crois complètement à la technologie, et personne d'autre ne fait ça.

Si je faisais une DAC, je voudrais que ce soit mon activité principale, je ne cherche pas la simplicité. Mais bon, ce n'est sans doute pas pour tout de suite.
(Et la présence d'une communauté française ne m'importe pas beaucoup dans mon choix d'investissement, lire l'anglais me va très bien).

General Discussion / Re: TimeBank DAC
« on: October 12, 2014, 11:06:41 am »
From an insider's point of view, the more shares are given to PTS, the better. From an outsider's point of view, having empty projects with no added value (CinniDev hasn't even tried to argue of what the added value of TimeBank could be...) just make us look silly.

Come on, we are in the adult business world, and it cannot work like that, we have to evaluate the value of things. Otherwise, we could also all join the dogeparty

General Discussion / Re: TimeBank DAC
« on: October 11, 2014, 12:06:56 pm »
How old are you, CinniDev ? (let me guess... 16 years old ?).

Why are some of you falling/pretending to be falling for this ?

Of course we can judge him and his "project" now : it's an empty and absurd rebranding of bitshares with no motivation (other than whaling shitshares). We should not endorse this, we will look silly.

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