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Messages - bitcrab

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General Discussion / Re: my plan to adjust SQP
« on: November 25, 2015, 04:44:13 am »
110% is MSSR, SQP is asset specific,  SQP=settlement price/MSSR, right?

in BM's short  term road map post below item is listed:
1.  Prevent margin call from being triggered unless the price feed is less than call price  (popular demand),20214.0.html

if I understand correctly, this change means to adjust the MSSR to 100%.
why not to push BM to implement this?

General Discussion / Re: New Stealth Transfer Worker ($1000)
« on: November 23, 2015, 03:04:00 pm »
the way is ok, I am not sure about the price, please devs advice.

and $45000 can be funded by 112500 transfers if each transfer contribute $0.4.
suppose 100 stealth transfers each day, need about 3 years to cover...

I hope below change can be implemented with high priority:

1.  Prevent margin call from being triggered unless the price feed is less than call price  (popular demand)

中文 (Chinese) / 一点设想
« on: November 23, 2015, 01:58:28 pm »

我相信BM也是想推进去中心化的,过去没有相应的机制,就象一个只有总统没有国会的体制,总统只好事事独断专行,有时难免捅娄子。现在好歹有committee 和 worker proposal, 社区有机会通过投票来决定bitshares的走向,虽然还有很长的路要走,但毕竟让人看到了希望。










General Discussion / Re: Discussing the problems with bitUSD (smart coins)
« on: November 23, 2015, 12:45:59 pm »
Your statements are absolutely correct and have been communicated that way for quite some time .. it's called 'floor or parity' ...
It's not really a "flaw" in the system .. it is how it designed and supposed to be working ..

In order to be safe against falling prices you will always need to have more then 1x collateral ..
The only thing that you can do differently is .. also allow other kinds of assets to be used as collateral ... much like what MAKER is doing with the DAI on ethereum ..

I always considered whether Bitshares can introduce BTC as mgwBTC in NXT and use it as collateral to generate other bitassets such as BitUSD, BitCNY.

General Discussion / Re: Discussing the problems with bitUSD (smart coins)
« on: November 23, 2015, 12:36:34 pm »
as there is no  redeemability, users regard bitUSD as an anti-vulnerability asset, not an currency that has equal value as USD, this lead to all the results.







熊,我觉得我比BM可怜多了,来安慰安慰我吧。。。 :'(

中文 (Chinese) / Re: What are the plans of the Chinese Community?
« on: November 21, 2015, 04:46:31 pm »
I think there's a lack of communication between the Chinese and the rest and would like to address that.

What projects are you currently working on?
What about DACx? Any news? Never heard of them again.
What about cn-members? Same as above. I dont hear about them for quite a while.

Any worker proposals the chinese community is thinking about other than lower fees? Any features you're thinking to implement?

Lately I've been hearing a lot about the chinese community wanting lower fees. Well, what do you plan to do if the fees are lowered? What are your plans? How much liquidity will you provide? Do you have bots ready to do? How will you increase volume? I don't want to see fees lowered because of a whim with no justification. I would like to see a decent argument to convince me why we should lower fees. I want to understand why the chinese community wants to lower fees? I sure hope you already have projects and plans in case the fees are lowered.

Sorry for the post in english. I'm sure someone will understand it or translate it. I just would like to see us communicate more.

we had made BitCNY the most stable fiat pegged asset and built the smooth conversion channel with CNY. can you do the same for BitUSD?
I have planned to do international remittance via BitAssets, But I cannot find a partner that can do convenient BitUSD<->USD conversion, can you make this easy?
alt has run bots in bitshares 1.0, but now because of the high fee, he hesitated to upgrade the bots to 2.0.
DACx is in stop status, Jame Gong is now busy on some other projects which is not relevant to Bitshares. he is not very interested to do more for Bitshares, mainly because of the frequently unexpected sudden rule change.
in China seldom are really interested in the referral program.
I plan to add more assets through transwiser to BTS for trading in the future.

there are too many debate post about fees in the forum, I am tired to read each of them, now we have a working committee whose responsibility is to manage the blockchain parameters, including fees, if you really like high fee, you can try to get enough votes to join the committee to participate in the fee management, or vote one committee who have the same opinion with you.

Smartcoin + high performance exchange,  in my view this is the core competence of Bitshares.

blockchain concept create many possibilities,  for most widespread cryptocurrency Bitcoin maybe the No.1,  for smart contract and DApp Ethereum may be the first choice, however regarding pegged digital assets and decentralized exchange, Bitshares come to user's mind firstly.

each platform should focus on something, to do everything always means nothing can be done best.

Why I am still here?  it's not easy to answer. I think because I feel Bitshares still have potential to play an important role in the blockchain/cryptocurrency  industry,  there are things to be done and worth doing.

and I still haven't made enough money here, I should finish this task.

General Discussion / Re: First Organized Mutually Agreed Proposal
« on: November 21, 2015, 11:05:25 am »
I for one feel like a proud papa to see my baby grow up and start working without me.

I think that it is great that these changes can be made without me.  I will sit this round out because I would rather prove things are decentralized than overrule the committee decisions with my influence.

glad to see what you say BM. :)

actually Bitshaes is always blamed as "centralized", in China users often feel unsafe because of the uncontrolled rule change,  I am often asked: "I heard that if BM decide to do a hard fork, he can do that in several hours with just writing a post in forum, is that true?" and I can only answer :"that's not true,  but seems BM is really too powerful, he is both Angel and Ghost, community are trying to lock the Ghost part."

I tried to build the committee because I also suffered from the unexpected rule change, below pic is what happened to my account at 16th, Oct, my CDP is margin called because of the unexpected collateral ratio chage, and this is not all.

we need change, we need hard fork, and we need the upgrade like 1.0 to 2.0. however we need all these changes under good control, I am glad to see that we now have tools such as committee and work proposal for community to participate the change management.

I hope sometime later when someone ask me the same question as above, I can say:"No, Bitshares is definitely decentralized, BM is the chief scientist of Bitshares, and he keep on proposing creatively but all the proposal need to be approved by the community before implementation."

let's move the decentralization process ahead.

do you agree with me?  :)

General Discussion / Re: [EBM] Get liquidity into BitCNY / BitBTC market
« on: November 21, 2015, 09:37:09 am »
Hmmh, this got me thinking...

What is the value of bitBTC? Why would anybody want to acquire it?

For a common user bitBTC doesn't offer any benefit. It can be used only in the Bitshares exchange, compared to real BTC that can be used for many different things like buying stuff online.

So basically bitBTC is useful for only (1) traders, (2) who use Bitshares DEX and (3) want to avoid counterparty risk that UIA-BTC has. That's a quite small market segment. Do we really want to serve them well in this point or rather focus on other things that might bring greater benefits for more users?

agree, I also feel that BitBTC make little sense, BTC is not a stable currency, why should I lock one unstable asset (BTS) as collateral to get another?

surely we need to introduce BTC to Bitshares, is it possible to make another kind of "BTC" as NXT did using multisig? it is closer to real BTC and we can lock it as collateral to generate BitCNY or BitUSD.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Stealth Transfers Worker Proposal
« on: November 21, 2015, 09:23:15 am »
I disagree that anonymity the most important... The most important is as follows

1. Fees for trading updated per the worker proposal
2. Referral program for trading fees
3. API for 3rd party platforms and liquidity bots

We are a decentralized exchange. We have finally discovered what we are and what we are niche is.  Most people never get a chance to discover that much less exploit it... DON'T GET DISTRACTED!

Yeah, focus on the exchange first which will hopefully bring liquidity to a few key smartcoin markets. Stealth transfers are kind of useless if people are trapped in an illiquid market. I definitely think blinded transfers will be very important after some liquidity has been reached.

This! Improve the fu***ing API real quick!!

 +5% +5% +5%


Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Better organisation
« on: November 19, 2015, 08:40:10 am »
constructive suggestion!

General Discussion / Re: First Organized Mutually Agreed Proposal
« on: November 18, 2015, 05:58:50 am »
Bitcrab and BTSdac, what about making BitCNY transfers much cheaper? Would that help?

may help, but not that much,  and may make things complex, as even in China BTS,  not bitcny is the tokens that be transferred most. and China users also trade/transfer bitUSD and other assets.

General Discussion / Re: First Organized Mutually Agreed Proposal
« on: November 18, 2015, 05:15:52 am »
So sorry to see everyone's complaining. Let me share my personal feeling.

Since the launch, we always have increasing fees, from 0.5 to 20, to 40, and now facing to 60 ($0.2). I think we need to see the opposite direction.

As a lower-fee advocate, I still prefer 5-10 BTS. But I don't want to destroy our growing business based on referral system. (While I still think that lower fee can bring more users and profit for referrers). In this dilemma, I had to decide to satisfy only one side with beating the other, or making a compromise.

Decreasing just 25% is obviously not satisfying to both sides. However, IMHO, it does not break this community into pieces. It maybe not a win-win solution, but better than zero-sum approach. I think it's not a final destination. We're still on the way, and if the community makes a consensus, we can move toward it.

Regarding the order creation fee, we haven't discussed yet because BM's proposal is in the pipeline. After the release, we will discuss about lowering the fee.

Thanks for your invaluable inputs and feedback. We're open to any opinions.

What was so urgent about making an immediate decision that no one likes? I definitely think the committee members could have suspended the meeting long enough to come back to the community and said "Here is what we're looking at; what do you think?" Or "There's not enough support for this proposal. What about a midway compromise instead?"

And we would have told you straight up that no, this was not a wise choice for any of the parties concerned.

Unless you think that the lower fee is now low enough that you can get some traction in your home country or in China. In which case, I say 'go for it'. You wanted the lower fees, you've got them (at least in a half-assed sort of way). The pricing structure does not work well in first world countries where we were trying to fund some marketing, so if this is what you wanted, it's now your turn to show us what you can do. Bring us some volume.

initially we drafted a proposal to decrease the transfer fee to 9 BTS, after many discuss we escape to 30 BTS. I don't think a 40->30 change will obviously hurt the referral program business.

40->30 decrease the margin, but volume and BTS price also are factors to the profits. I belive the change will contribute positive to the latter factors.

the change really does not satisfy China community, but at least they are convinced that change are possible. it may prevent the community from shrinking.

in China little people are really interested in the referral program, here alipay is free, and bank transfer is free, and traditional exchange charge lower fee.

I agree that DEX is amazing, but now what can people do here?

to buy and trade assets such as BTC? where is the liquidity?

to do international remittance? do you think it's really convenient?

we have long way to go. and should try not to hurt common users if possible.

and I think if you can succeed under 40 BTS fee, you can also succeed under 30 BTS fee.

everyone can be committee member, If you have better ideas and think it should be implemented, try to become an active committee member or vote the active committee member that support your ideas, and let the voting do the decision. voting may bring imperfect solution, but it can maximize consensus.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: commitee: baozi
« on: November 17, 2015, 08:03:11 am »

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