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Messages - Digital Lucifer

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I am a supporter for your great work DL...

Much appreciated, but this is all done by Stefan and Xeroc, I'm just being supportive and collaborative since we really have no other options.

Despite 20+ active witnesses, 3 operational gateways and God knows how many community ventures, but I'm able today to reach just 4 API nodes from

This worker is a must or some chaotic rules applied at least on witnesses when it comes to API availability.


Proper Chinese version of the legal worker (apologies for delay)


●   提案 ID:1.14.248
●   提案账户:escrow.zavod.premik
●   提案名称:比特股代理律师及代表人 2020
●   公司名称:「Zavod Premik」(英文:「Move Institute」)
●   讨论:
●   支付账户:zavod.premik
●   预算:36,000.00 bitEUR(1214372.67171 BTS)
●   每日解冻:3,327.04841 BTS
●   固定成本:0.00 bitEUR
●   期限:12 个月(365 天)
●   起始:2020 年 2 月 8 日
●   结束:2021 年 2 月 6 日


从 2017 年10月到 2020 年1月这段时间,比特股区块链基金会(BitShares Blockchain Foundation,简称 BBF)—— 一家位于荷兰的非盈利性组织 —— 是比特股区块链和社区的法律代表。通过不同的法律及相关的工作提案、社区资金,比特股区块链基金会(BBF)代表比特股区块链和社区,处理了很多法律协议,获取多个法律意见书、声明、出版物的必要文档,购买/获取多个域名,执行许可,为社区最大利益建立各种关系。

鉴于当前 BTS 持币人决定,BBF 将不会再被批准新一年的任期,比特股区块链和社区正在寻找新的法律代表。


从 2005 年起,在斯洛文尼亚的若干青年协会和个人的倡议下,基于创始人的经验和知识,非盈利性组织「Zavod Premik, Murska Sobota」(英文:「Move Institute」)作为一个团体成立了。作为一个由经济学家、IT 专家和律师为代表的团体,「Move Institute」无疑会带来团体的经验和价值。

「Move Institute」能提供各种法律、公证和公共服务,翻译服务,以及采购服务。当需要出庭受审时,「Move Institute」有内部付薪/雇佣的指定律师处理所有法庭诉讼/案件。

「Move Institute」和比特股的关联:

●   获得了 域名(2018 年)
●   认可并将 BBF 作为法律代表添加到了 网站上(2018 年)
●   对 及其产品增加更多限制条款和政策(例如,在 上的网关列表)
●   与有执照的媒体发布者合作,保护 的内容(2019 年)
●   获得了「bitshares」的欧盟商标(2019 - 2020 年)


该提案将给予「Move Institute」独家的权利和授权,作为比特股区块链代言人,在以下事项上合法代表、支持和执行任何协议/事项:
1.   回应政府当局对比特股区块链及其软件、合法拥有的任何域名的任何要求。
2.   在授权期限内,完成 BTS 代币持币人通过另外的工作提案要求实施的新的法律行动(例如:交易所上币、交易所重新上币、交易所下币、整合、许可、问询等)
3.   代表比特股区块链和代币持有人,从第三方恶意商标抢注人手中取回「图形」商标(如果前任法律代表在该提案批准后 14 天内没有完成当前进程)。
4.   保存和维护文档/正式记录,每个月或每次有新的活动更新一次。
5.   继续处理已购域名、协议和任何其他相关文件的移交/转移过程,这些事项是通过过去合法批准的授权代表比特股区块链及其社区的比特股区块链基金会受理的。
6.   与敏感第三方重新启动协议/程序,以防BBF执行无效(第 5 点,取消条款)。
7.   跟踪/研究任何法律要求,并及时将其同步给比特股区块链的开发和社区(例如:CMC 数据责任和透明联盟的监管要求)。
8.   代表比特股区块链,与各方维护良好的关系,并尽可能提升现有的合作协议、事项和安排。
9.   维护和提升比特股区块链的法律地位和知名度。
10.   通过 上的账号作为官方声明,保持一切法律活动/进程的公告和发表。
11.   研究并可能为合法投资区块链提供解决方案。
12.   鉴于对交易所的监管愈发明确、严格, 提供法律咨询,并监督带有本地网关的合法DEX的建设。
13.   通过将 UI 和潜在的监管敏感的产品/软件分类定为「开发中/测试中的 DApp」,使生态系统能够维持比特股最初的理念。


●   准备并向国际当局及其机构提交各种申报文件。
●   准备协议和(或)任何其他类型的法律文档。
●   公证服务。
●   英语、中文、德语和斯洛文尼亚语的认证翻译服务。
●   商标、许可和版权服务。
●   私营采购服务(在欧盟范围内)。
●   为法院审理程序准备敏感材料(立案)。
●   法庭代表。


Marko Martinuzzi (主管/法律代理人) - 60.00 欧元
Alojz Draskovic (代理律师) - 100.00 欧元
Linda Tian   (中文翻译) - 50.00 欧元

●   根据欧盟(斯洛文尼亚)法律定价需缴税。
●   服务费需要按照具体的事务、协议、服务和对实际过程复杂度的估计来确定。
●   服务发票和付款在事务完成后才最终确定。
●   法庭诉讼必须经单独的工作提案批准,并使用单独的预算。
●   本工作提案仅包括了法律办公室和法律代表的潜在和预计的服务费预算。
●   这是一份 预算工作提案,我们建议的理想的预算安排是包括多达 20 个常规法律程序/安排及其中文翻译。

另外,您可以查看 斯洛文尼亚政府定义的所有律师/法律服务的定价。.


因为 BBF 的 2020 年法律工作提案的「取消条款」的存在,并且社区公开表达意见/投票的期限已过,有可能导致前任法律代表的全部协议/诉讼等失效。

由于社区并不清楚法律文档的数量或价值,也不清楚对区块链的潜在伤害,「Move Institute」的代理 CEO(Milos Preocanin)在 1 月 31 日星期五联系了 BBF,代表少数持币人通过 发出了延期请求。这个消息在荷兰的工作时间被转达。后续,在 2 月 3 日星期一,又代表比特股区块链和社区通过电子邮件书面问询了可能的开销、意愿和时间(已收到回复)。


●交易所重新上币,特殊法律协议,按照监管要求作关于 BTS 代币的声明)
●   LATOKEN(交易所上币,特殊法律协议,bitCNY 分类和验证)
●与 BitSapphire 的购买/转让协议)
●   Paul Hastings(关于 BTS 核心代币的意见书)
●   附加的工作提案有关法律的各种域名(例如、 等)

注意事项:这个清单是基于 BBF 发布的公开内容。目前我们还没有获得确认或者直接回应,所以无法验证上述列表的准确性。从法律上来说,必须首先批准了这份工作提案,当「Move Institute」实际认证成为新的法律代表后,才能合法地要求 BBF 已完成的实际文档和记录。


●   「Move Institute」将在这份协议/授权/工作提案到期前 90 天为客户「比特股区块链」提出续签,客户可以批准、拒绝和/或指出新的法律代表以做移交。
●   如果取消这份协议的授权/批准,「Move Institute」将在 90 天内把所有相关文件记录移交给客户「比特股区块链」。
●   所有投诉、报告或问题请发送给 。
●   「Move Institute」办公室可以在周一至周五的营业时间(10:00 - 17:00)安排会议或通过电子邮件进行沟通。
●   「Move Institute」的代理 CEO Milos (DL) Preocanin是负责技术和社区关系的主要联系人。
●   所有剩余 的BTS 代币将会在这份工作提案到期或完成时销毁,返还给区块链。

下载 PDF

The worker has been posted to the blockchain.

Read the full details here:

Voting for worker proposals: Votes can be done via the reference wallet. Visit Menu -> Votes -> Workers or enter your account name in the link

This worker proposal has id 1.14.253 and 202002-infrastructure.



Worker Roadmap is being edited and budget recalculated. Posting update later today. It will follow with escrow submission after re-discussion.


Commercial use is an important aspect, which can lower the worker costs or completely remove it.

Commercial-use have different definition in this worker. There is no such need that private owned for-profit companies such as gateways are listing nodes for public access.

We don't have actual "commercial" product apart from our users through, btspp and dexbot, hence "no commercial (ab)use".


Wait part two.

2020 core worker = 1 year has 12 months.

Part 1 = 6 months worker.

Read the worker PLEASE before commenting.


OK,  Part 2=4 months worker.

Will it be 4 months or 6 months and end in February 2021, as long as it's starts in 2020 its part of 2020 worker. Idea is to do Part 1 before we even start discussing Part 2. :)

I think it's too early to discuss the part 2 right now. Things can change a lot in 6 months. If part 1 worked well, we may start discussing part 2.

Got it.

Development for BSIP 64: Operational HTLC preimage length, HASH160 addition, and memo field (up to 12 hours)
Development for BSIP 69: Additional Assert Predicates (up to 25 hours)
Development for BSIP 74: Margin Call Fee Ratio (up to 60 hours)
Development for BSIP 77: Require Higher CR When Creating/Adjusting Debt Positions (up to 80 hours)
Development for BSIP 86: Share market fee to the network (up to 60 hours)

If we can make a small Mainnet Release for these BSIPs asap? in the next two months?

Even I love the idea of having 64, 77 and 86 asap as tomorrow - unfortunately the answer is no.

Why ?

1) Process, development structure and corporate execution/deliveries are a must. Randomness will not be allowed
       a) If you take a close look at the worker roadmap you'll notice there is suddenly 60-80 hours for Mainnet 4.0 Release that was scheduled for November 2019. After careful review, release is not fully prepared and first 7-10 days of worker will be going to that release. 3 Core devs has total availability for that period is 130 hours and we have to give it some testing. Abit will be more utilizing hours on Audit than on coding if we want to keep some process.
       b) there is no such thing as "asap Mainnet release" and it never was unless fix takes 1-5 hours and usually it's halt of the blockchain. Each development has to be implemented on the testnet upon delivery and tested for minimum period of 25-30 days prior to mainnet release. This worker has no budget or plan to change to process for 2 release as it states clearly little bit below under the section called "New Schedule for Releases". First sentence and current schedule pretty much confirms explanation.
       c) To avoid another a) in this worker - each dev will be assigned to BSIP's if worker becomes active. Their deliveries will be reflected through available hours we defined per each team member against ETA's on BSIP's/task being assigned to.

Bitshares Chinese Forum

China block some web sites including Github. Users from China even have difficulty to post a reply in this forum.

Much appreciated for link. Yeah, I completely lost though of GitHub with China GFW. Apologies will update the links in a moment.

BSIP 70: P2P Lending (up to 400 hours)
I like this .We need new DEFI application scenario for spreading.

Idea is yes, to not just satisfy holders but also to actually bring benefits and profits to the protocol as well.

BSIP64,69,70,80,85 haven't got a higher than BSIP-Threshold voting power, I don't think it's appropriate to include them.

and in my view some of them need more discussion, maybe it's better to put them into next part after voting up.

I'll quote important part of worker then ill explain myself

Quote: "This worker's agreement is crafted as a middle path between the desires of BTS core token holders, priorities for the blockchain and technology, as well as availability of core development team."

- Worker is crafted as balanced offer between holder's desires and necessities for the blockchain as protocol/tech to gain more visibility, profits and power in the real world outside our private interests.
- Worker includes needed amount of hours for documentation, BSIP's and discussions as well as delivery of each at the lower rate.
- Worker defines they will be delivered and released will be only the ones voted in. This is a development offer that satisfy both sides. What will be released its up to holders. What will be developed is result of holders desire and market demand.

If holders have issue with above terms it will certainly become a problem, since the terms are more fair than ever to the both BLOCKCHAIN and HOLDERS itself.

Now I've been hearing how bitassets are irrelevant and obsolete but i still see few BSIP's related to their mechanics and terms of use, so to stop pretending - let's just make a compensation and think about blockchain as well for once.


Wait part two.

2020 core worker = 1 year has 12 months.

Part 1 = 6 months worker.

Read the worker PLEASE before commenting.


Dear BitShares,

Since I was personally told and explained that there is no need for classic API's and previous worker I've had (Exotic infra) nodes were turned off 4 months ago - in the meantime we noticed increased need for stable ES/Kibana hosts for various reasons.

We ( would like to provide, under our own review and collaborative management, the nodes and elastic search APIs that have been deployed with the soon expiring infrastructure worker by BPBV.

Read the full details here:

Voting for worker proposals: Votes can be done via the reference wallet. Visit Menu -> Votes -> Workers or enter your account name in the link

This worker proposal has id 1.14.253 and 202002-infrastructure.

We kindly ask for any comments and feedback.

Best Regards,
 Collaboration infra worker teams.


Stakeholder Proposals / [Worker Proposal] 2020 Core Development (Part 1/2)
« on: February 21, 2020, 10:35:56 pm »
Dear BitShares,

After spending some time with assembling original core team (what's left of it), discussing roadmap individually with holders and proxies and detailed review of 2019 worker, I came up with the following draft:

Please read carefully and ask any questions if you have.

Chinese translation will be processed soon by Linda Tian and thread will be updated.

Worker details and roadmap has been updated. For more info click here.


General Discussion / Re: @CN-Vote
« on: February 14, 2020, 07:05:02 pm »
You have internal discussions for committee here on forums, just last post is more than 1 year old.
There is a quite active Telegram group even with people that used to be committee members but are no longer (like me).

Well, not sure what are activities are but surely needs cleanup, invite and management (not a member).


General Discussion / Re: @CN-Vote
« on: February 12, 2020, 09:32:33 pm »
You have internal discussions for committee here on forums, just last post is more than 1 year old.


Dear Community and holders,

Please review, comment and express your opinion on worker presented by "Zavod Premik" (eng. "Move Institute) that comes as offer for services and position of new legal representative on your behalf and behalf of BitShares blockchain.


- Chinese version will be released by Monday.
- Worker is designed as budget.

Worker is on chain and available for voting with primary goals to handle the handover/acquire a list from previous legal representative (BitShares Blockchain Foundation) or redo known agreements on behalf of BitShares blockchain.

Account `committee-trade` received 1 BTS transfer containing as MEMO entire content of this worker.
ID: 1.11.1050275714 Block: 45162812

On behalf of Move Institute,
Acting CEO,
Milos (DL) Preocanin

100,000 BTS
used as airdrop to cooperate with market promotion

Hey there,

I wanted to partake in the BTS airdrop but could not find information on the website. Could you please point me to it?

It's probably gonna be done in future. personally did USDT drop. Possibly soon GBAC and Biyong will start that joint market efforts, since worker has enough in vesting balances (hopefully from worker that is currently voted out).


Sufficient time has passed for the collection of feedback. Both workers are now put on-chain, see here for a summary.

Please consider both proposals for your next voting update:

Dear BBF,

On behalf of non-profit Zavod Premik (Move Institute) and followed with quoted part of presented workers:

"All existing legal agreements must be considered void if the BitShares Blockchain Foundation is no longer the legal representative for the BitShares Blockchain, with all consequences that come with it (effective date 31st January 2020)."

we came here to offer 3 possible options/scenarios and discuss them a bit in front of holders.

Option 1)
Consider 7 days extension on the quoted statement above while I personally reach out to the holders and get confirmation that they are not supporting your worker. This may result in worker being approved, considering that workers never had proper forum thread, usual lobbying and politics that holders are expecting from workers. Anyway, I do understand the sentiment considering state of entire ecosystem in previous 6 months.

Option 2)
Move Institute would be willing to create alternative workers if `Option 1)` ends with negative response. We would be requesting costs for BBF services to transfer all agreements and handover all legal documentation to us (in case the holders decide to support `Option 2` so we can plan budget accordingly)

There is no Option 3 right now - so please let's do this in a reasonable way, because the BitShares blockchain relies on us in many ways including our main BTS core token listings, agreements and legal letters done in the past through BBF.

Notice for BBF:
Option 1) and request for extension comes as late, but an official request from Move Institute. Email will follow over the weekend.

Notice for holders/proxies:
Move Institute would be offering worker that has far more complexity and would involve additional worker for legal funds/budget. Multi-sig between Committee and Move Institute for those funds would be a must in order to make possible any potential proceedings, listings or legal needs on the yearly basis.

Personal statement:
I have a lot on my plate and to be clear I didn't had much time to follow up on forums or to run around following up entire politics (not even update my votes ). I personally support this worker because the price and the terms for being legal representative are very feasible and communication is already established between parties involved in agreements.


100% support and voted.

Very much appreciated. I've personally followed up directly with XT once Evan reached me out to promote publication we didn't quite understand. followed up on both nomination of BTS on and is launching article tonight on results with direct thanks to Linda TIan (GBAC).

Remarks on business process of GBAC:

- Appreciate if collaboration between GBAC and can exists from initial planning just in terms of help and better marketing where we dont have to chase facts/content (We don't want to be part of worker or rewards for efforts that you initiate, but we want them do be done properly)
- Better due diligence on the client GBAC is dealing with (in this case XT exchange)

To better explain myself,
- we were nominated on the who was 36 hours on their article page of announcement holding url that returns 404 so nobody was actually being able to vote unless he got link by PM. I've joined both Chinese and English XT telegram group where despite being banned in English group found a way to request update of link and explain importance of their fuckup - where they completely responded polite and professional and problem was sorted within minutes. So, as proven that our efforts and eyes can be valuable during these events, consider to collaborate with us.
- our token page was/is outdated at as Stefan mentioned and still nobody agreed here on the new contact/details/info (social,website, forums, desciption, team). Please communicate so we can sort this out.

P.S. I've tried with more than 10 people to join WeChat in order to be able to reach out more Chinese/East community. Based in Thailand, we are in 1 hour different time zone and plenty of things can be synced between us without any delays or excuses. With a proof from Jademont last night, my finally registered wechat account is disabled and i cant use. I've tried to reach out Linda Tian (GBAC) via Telegram, but she havent read my msgs/been online since August 2019.

Please pass her my cry for her on TG (If possible)

On behalf of (Move Institute)
Milos (DL) Preocanin


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