No one got a comment on that?
Be careful what you ask for

Dead center of that graph should be an arrow at Oct. 15th that says, "We built it but they DIDN'T come" Approx. 1 year of work that is still yet to "catch on" almost 2 years after it was conceived.
Rant on-->
There are no quick fixes. Bytemaster had the vision, got the tools 90% finished and then moved on just to survive, since they didn't come to eat up his work. That last 10% is mighty important. What good is a "perfect" backend if nobody knows about it or uses it?
The backend is foundational, but Steem and BitShares needs a vision and leadership on the frontend now to drive adoption and orchestrate a marketing campaign. Ideally such a visionary should be on the team and growing along with the backend, but that has never been part of Bytemaster's vision and budget. I hope he learns from lessons in BitShares & Steem, but I'm not confident he will.
Bytemaster is a genius coder and system architect, but he needs a symbiotic partner with similar genius / leadership on the frontend and marketing. If he finds such a person and they share a strong bond on foundational, philosophical principles, lookout moon, lookout Mars - shit such a combo would take their products beyond the galaxy!
Bytemaster is not alone in his lack of focus and consideration of marketing, most crypto projects get started by people focused on the tech, like programmers & nerds. They see what's possible from a tech perspective, get all excited and go off and start coding with only a loose or vague idea who they're building their gee whiz tech for.
Take Steem for example. How much effort went into deeply studying the blogging market? Were any market research firms hired or statistically valid surveys conducted to make sure development builds what people want to use?
<--Rant off
Whenever a graph covering the entire price history of BitShares is shown I can't help but reflect broadly. Asking for comments on such a chart invites discussion on almost anything, as BitShares is a dynamic project with many changes over its lifetime. BTSX in 2014 is not the same as BTS in 2015, 2016 and 2017 because the crypto context also evolves, and the project is finally beginning to evaluate and consider how it fits into that greater context.
Has the project done anything significant that can be considered the cause of the most recent rise in BTS price, or is the real cause due to the context in which BitShares exists? I am pretty confident in saying context is the dominant influence.