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Messages - AdamBLevine

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General Discussion / Re: Escrow for BTS X Buyers/Sellers
« on: July 21, 2014, 03:03:22 am »

Sorry Adam,

I bought some with better terms than - 'You send first'.

I am still open to offers - BTSX for LTBcoin deals though.

usually you would make a counteroffer rather than just talking and ignoring PMs - you said you were trading btc for btsx.  I have BTSX in the quantities you were looking for and accepted the price you said was good.  I said prices wernt real, looks like I was right lol.   Where is the demand?

You guys have wasted enough of my time, let me know when you're ready to trade.

General Discussion / Re: Escrow for BTS X Buyers/Sellers
« on: July 21, 2014, 02:44:17 am »
So I guess no deal today either? lol

General Discussion / Re: "asset_reg_fee": "151,295.55840 BTSX",
« on: July 20, 2014, 07:32:46 pm »
I guess 2300 BTSx was a good price for LTBc ;)

General Discussion / Re: The fees to create new asset is increasing?
« on: July 20, 2014, 07:30:07 pm »
A few minutes ago, creating an asset cost me 100BTSX, now it's 246BTSX,  why is that and what's the rule?

BTW, it seems that I can not create any asset, so it's not like Bitshares ME?

Now it is 76,700 BTSX to create an asset. Wow that has gone up fast.

and now it costs 150,451.25760 BTSX to create an asset

General Discussion / Re: To the guy who registered "toast"
« on: July 20, 2014, 02:00:05 pm »
At least there is little value in fooling ourselves that non-transferable is some magic property of the names preventing the rational from squatting. The only thing required to be a perfectly rational and efficient merchant of names in this system is to acquire and maintain a certain level of trust and accountability.

Doesn't it seem more likely people are just assuming that names are transferable as in most systems since they're not obviously told in the software?  In order for economic incentives to work properly, people have to know about them.  Right?

when creating an account maybe it would help that the system mentions that names are not transferable...


We don't know if making them non-transferrable will work to prevent squatting because the people who it is supposed to warn away from this behavior do not even know it does not help them.  Which is pretty consistent.

General Discussion / Re: To the guy who registered "toast"
« on: July 20, 2014, 01:50:05 pm »
At least there is little value in fooling ourselves that non-transferable is some magic property of the names preventing the rational from squatting. The only thing required to be a perfectly rational and efficient merchant of names in this system is to acquire and maintain a certain level of trust and accountability.

Doesn't it seem more likely people are just assuming that names are transferrable as in most systems since they're not obviously told in the software?  In order for economic incentives to work properly, people have to know about them.  Right?

General Discussion / Re: To the guy who registered "toast"
« on: July 20, 2014, 05:44:14 am »
someone suggested 'leasing' out names you own ...

Ok... So you would rather it be profitable for someone to go down and buy every single name and then lease them via a website?

I don't think that solves the problem, there needs to be a barrier to entry from getting a bunch of names and making it profitable will make the problem worse not better.

I don't know a solution to the problem, I rather liked the idea that it would take a days worth of processing power from a normal computer per year.

General Discussion / Re: To the guy who registered "toast"
« on: July 20, 2014, 05:35:12 am »
indeed, it seems like it might have been better to have people "Mine" their names for like a day, the cost of a name is trivial especially when compared to the cost of an asset.  I think its important this is explained in a tool tip or something because otherwise someone will wind up with a lot of names they'll never use and nobody else can either.

General Discussion / Re: To the guy who registered "toast"
« on: July 20, 2014, 04:56:31 am »
Further though, what happened to pre-reserved names in the blockchain for founders?  I was able to register at least two of mine and I'm at a loss to figure out exactly how our founder IDs are connected any more.

Anyone who registered their keys through the convoluted keyhotee process is in there. You can use "wallet_import_keyhotee" to get access to them, though I'm not convinced it works for all brain keys, in which case you can export your private key from Keyhotee proper and import it directly.

(I got "nikolai" in there but never got a founder for "toast").

So I guess if I can reserve one of my names now, It's not reserved by a founder and I also don't get the AGS (or BTS) that was allocated to it?

General Discussion / Re: To the guy who registered "toast"
« on: July 20, 2014, 04:50:08 am »
Nice one, glad to see my handle is as high-value a squatting target as names like "netflix", "nissan", "nokia", "yandex", etc.
Too bad names aren't transferrable, otherwise you could have made a killing!

Good look with your delegate campaign for "orz"!

It might be good to put a tool-tip in that says the names are non-transferrable, I doubt the squatting would be happening if this was known.

Further though, what happened to pre-reserved names in the blockchain for founders?  I was able to register at least two of mine and I'm at a loss to figure out exactly how our founder IDs are connected any more. 

General Discussion / Re: Income, Expenses and Burn Rate?
« on: July 20, 2014, 03:58:57 am »
why not list it as a deflation rate?  I find the stats very confusing, and your explanation contradicts bytemasters who says income and expenses are averages.

General Discussion / Income, Expenses and Burn Rate?
« on: July 20, 2014, 03:41:47 am »
Income represents the average BTSX earned per day, expenses are average BTS X paid to delegates, and burn rate is daily BTSX burned by delegates working for less than 100% pay.  The overview page will probably change a lot in future revisions.

So... is my BTSX balance increasing daily? What is my personal rate, if that is the average?  I understand expenses, but wouldn't it be better to show the daily pay for ALL the delegates rather than some average per when many are used?

the burn also feels like it would make more sense as a total daily amount rather than some average per delegate percentage.

General Discussion / Re: The fees to create new asset is increasing?
« on: July 20, 2014, 03:20:28 am »
Right, I guess I just don't understand the economic aspect of it. Ok so by creating an asset what is in it for you and how do you make money as the issuer of the asset.

Once you have a token, it can be traded (in theory) and can be made valuable by the person creating it.  Like our LTBcoin rewards program, which you can read about at

General Discussion / Re: BTS X is Live
« on: July 20, 2014, 03:18:03 am »
Yes, I agree - what do Daily Income, Expenses and Burn mean?   Are they global stats for the entire network or is it personal to the user who is logged in?

General Discussion / Re: The fees to create new asset is increasing?
« on: July 20, 2014, 03:13:00 am »
I was able to create an asset quite easily

LTB     LTBc    LTBcoin is the Rewards Token of   

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