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Messages - binggo

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: 一个基于GDEX.BTC抵押的智能货币?
« on: September 02, 2019, 02:51:40 am »







中文 (Chinese) / Re: cn-vote积分公告
« on: September 02, 2019, 02:43:28 am »


Staking是DPOS未来发展的变种方向, 可悲的是这些老外依然在鼠目寸光的看天下, 出了问题就埋怨BM当初的设计及bts持有者, 却不思进取去改进, 甚是可悲!

当人人都是bts的利益相关者, 利益牵扯才会越多, 才会对bts的发展最有利!

未来的方向必然要让利与广大的韭菜, 而不是特定人群的收割机, 取钱袋!

"天下熙熙,皆为利来;天下攘攘,皆为利往。" 这群二货老外什么时候才会明白这个亘古不变的道理?!!

他们到如今还没有明白BEOS这种"雨投"就是一种变相的staking, stan不愧为老狐狸, 人性摸的还是很透的.

报怨bts持有者在规则之下怎么去利用规则是最傻逼的想法, 希望这样的人越来越少, 这样的人永远都不会明白市场为什么总会选择最有利自己的方向!



我們理解這個問題。 我們在Bitshares開設了XBTS交易所並開始使用它。 我們沒有參加政治遊戲。

我們知道,對於DPOS的發展,需要人員和有用的技術。 我們的另一個領域是將BTS整合到分散遊戲中。 我們知道沒有技術就沒有發展。 技術應該是方便和易懂的。

我們甚至免費為Bitshares開發新界面。 但社區中有些人對新技術和新鮮血液不感興趣。 他們阻止我們講述新技術並展示它們。 其中一位歐洲管理員在公共Bitshares聊天中刪除了我的帳戶,因為他想這樣做。 他此刻並沒有想到這會如何影響生態系統和發展。



Please ignore that man,he just want do what he like.

The core team have got the enought fund already.

I didn't think this is the time or future to support all the worker.

The income of the DEX can't support all the worker, only can support one or two worker.

The reserve pool? it shouldn't exsit, the worker fund shouldn't attach to the reserve pool, it should attach to the income,so we can determine easily which worker is necessary.
The core team don't have enough funding for the full worker proposed goals.

The income of the DEX certainly can support all the workers, you're wrong. If you're concerned you can propose referral fee redistribution towards reserve pool inflation, but this solution is being ignored instead going straight to the nuclear option of destroying ongoing workers with no justifiable reason.

Why shouldn't the reserve pool exist? It's been the intended functionality for years now and doesn't have any negative impact on BTS economy.

so tell me how didn't have enough funding. spent(15,834,994 BTS) 3,764.04222k CNY  in three month is not enough?

The income of the DEX certainly can support all the workers? If you think it can, I don't want a argument, but i think it can't.

If the income can cover all the worker, so why we need the reserve pool? we can destroy 0.85 B bts in the reserve pool, let the income to pay the Witness and worker budget.

The core team have got the enought fund already.

I didn't think this is the time or future to support all the worker.

The income of the DEX can't support all the worker, only can support one or two worker.

The reserve pool? it shouldn't exsit, the worker fund shouldn't attach to the reserve pool, it should attach to the income,so we can determine easily which worker is necessary.

General Discussion / Re: AVG2907 dumping price massivly ?
« on: September 02, 2019, 12:13:43 am »
That's true.

Avg2907 is not the main reason,Someone sold bts above 400k+, the purpose is to eat the mortgage at a low price.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: avg2907 百万bts P网砸盘的杠杆空单对策
« on: September 01, 2019, 11:50:05 pm »



General Discussion / Re: AVG2907 dumping price massivly ?
« on: September 01, 2019, 11:33:36 pm »

I think these bsips can help to fix the flaw,so dump 3M bts will not very easy to trgger margin call of 30M BTS.

FLAW alway exsit,if he didn't want any profit and just want to dump it.

It looks like a flaw in the design of MPA that it's possible to dump 3M BTS to trigger margin call of 30M of BTS. My solution to this flaw was BSIP42: do not trigger margin calls when it's "unfair", either by reducing MCR or by feeding higher price. However, in a down trend, this solution may increase the possibility of a black swan event, which is again decided by the trading price regardless of liquidity or volume thus suffers the same flaw. On the other hand, it's hard to judge what's "fair", whether the reason to "protect" the debt position holders is strong enough.

Obviously, there is lack of incentive for traders to buy BTS. We need to attract capital to buy BTS, which is the only way to prevent the price from dropping. So the question become: what are the reasons for people to buy BTS or to hold BTS? How to value the BTS token, and how to add value to it? On this topic, I wrote some thoughts recently:

General Discussion / Re: AVG2907 dumping price massivly ?
« on: September 01, 2019, 11:16:28 pm »
this solution may increase the possibility of a black swan event
Global Settlement*. Since BSIP18 the black swan scenario has solutions, thus this term is outdated.

Global Settlement is a bad solutions, it can't solve any problem, if it can, so let we check the bitbtc and bitgold.

General Discussion / Re: AVG2907 dumping price massivly ?
« on: September 01, 2019, 11:13:09 pm »
First step:
Implement this BSIP:

Third step:
Implement these BSIP:
Why are you so ignorant ? Adding a penalty to margin positions with a margin call fee, does the exact opposite. Suppresses price further.

The solution is already in front of you, but you are blind:

You still didn't understand the market and somthing, blind is your heart.

If you want argument, so let's do it all the day.

Don't act like a kid in thougt and action, and I didn't have interest in your BSIP which i have thought and polish long long time ago...

General Discussion / Re: AVG2907 dumping price massivly ?
« on: September 01, 2019, 12:20:42 pm »
Again dump on poloniex which caused again the price drop.

On huobi you can see somebody is trying to add sellpressure using 250k BTS without selling them

They are waiting the price feed down.

Yes thats why a OMO fund on DEX only has no sense as attacks are being executed on CEX.

I will give some solutions:

First step:
Implement this BSIP:

Second step:
Change the price feed rule; maybe i will give the details.

Third step:
Implement these BSIP:

Forth setp:
Use the market fee of bitasset and the fees from third step as a fund.

The fund will buy GDEX.BTC or OPEN.BTC, and will maintain the price in the market GDEX.BTC/BTS or OPEN.BTC/BTS when the price was dump down .

General Discussion / Re: AVG2907 dumping price massivly ?
« on: September 01, 2019, 11:11:54 am »
Again dump on poloniex which caused again the price drop.

On huobi you can see somebody is trying to add sellpressure using 250k BTS without selling them

They are waiting the price feed down.

Yes thats why a OMO fund on DEX only has no sense as attacks are being executed on CEX.

I think you need this:

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 一个基于GDEX.BTC抵押的智能货币?
« on: September 01, 2019, 10:58:59 am »
GDEX.BTC的交易量一直很惨淡,没深度就没有人交易,以GDEX.BTC作抵押物发行智能币GCNY有望把 GDEX.BTC:GCNY市场打造成 BTS:bitCNY一样有交易深度的活跃交易对,那GDEX网关交易所的比特币市场就活了,加上自带1.5倍杠杆,可以吸引更多的比特币持有者和投机者进入BitShares DEX。双赢!





中文 (Chinese) / avg2907 百万bts P网砸盘的杠杆空单对策
« on: September 01, 2019, 10:54:45 am »




General Discussion / Re: AVG2907 dumping price massivly ?
« on: September 01, 2019, 10:15:33 am »
Again dump on poloniex which caused again the price drop.

On huobi you can see somebody is trying to add sellpressure using 250k BTS without selling them

They are waiting the price feed down.

General Discussion / Re: AVG2907 dumping price massivly ?
« on: September 01, 2019, 09:27:53 am »
Most of the USDT come from openledger-wallet and openledger-dex

not one person

very clever, know to dump every market

3M BTS can dump the price down 5.6%,  so perfect.

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