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Messages - oco101

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I have no such plans for the foreseeable future.


You obviously care a great deal. You have the ability to code and Bitshares has the need.

I am sure you have RL obligations but a I would argue that a arhag working at even quarter impulse is better then sitting at the dock.


Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Can Music beat that ?
« on: December 29, 2014, 07:46:27 pm »
This is even better 1.1 millions plays and a pay of 16.89 $  lol.

Français (French) / Re: Et sinon, comment ça marche ?
« on: December 26, 2014, 08:47:31 pm »
Je l'ai lu, mais ça n'explique pas "en détail" le fonctionnement de BitShares.

Je reviens d'ailleurs sur une portion de l'article :

Les blocs sont générés par 101 délégués, qui sont les nœuds du réseau. Ils doivent valider un bloc chacun leur tour, en le signant avec leur clé privée : si leur ordinateur n’est pas disponible lorsque c’est leur tour, le bloc est raté, et le délégué suivant prend la relève. Les délégués sont élus par les possesseurs de BitShares. Chaque utilisateur de BitShares peut voter pour 101 délégués de son choix, et son vote a un poids proportionnel au nombre de BTS possédés (d’où le Proof of Stake).

N’importe quel utilisateur peut enregistrer son client BitShares comme étant un délégué, mais seuls les 101 ayant obtenus le plus de voix valideront des blocs. Les délégués sont donc mis en concurrence, et doivent faire leurs preuves pour emporter le soutien des utilisateurs et être élus. En échange, ils reçoivent une paye. Pour chaque bloc validé (délégué 1 bloc toutes les 101*10 secondes), ils reçoivent entre 3 % et 100 % (ce pourcentage est le payrate du délégué) de 50 BTS (nombre qui va diminuer avec le temps).

Donc là, il n'y a que seulement 101 personnes qui se chargent de valider les blocks ? Ils sont sélectionnés par vote, le poids des votant est proportionnel à leur nombre de BTS. Ce qui est marrant c'est qu'il est dit dans le wiki que BitShares a été créé pour casser le coté centralisé des pools sur les autres crypto, à commencer par Bitcoin évidemment. Mais là, qu'est-ce qui empêche quelques gars un peu fortuné de se rassembler et de voter pour chacun d'eux. Et donc de maintenir une certaine hégémonie ? Ce qui semble d'ailleurs se confirmer étant donné qu'on retrouve un peu tout le temps les mêmes delegates.

Plus le temps passe et moins ce système a d'intérêt.

Je l'ai lu, mais ça n'explique pas "en détail" le fonctionnement de BitShares.

D'accord donc tes questions doivent être plus précis.

Donc là, il n'y a que seulement 101 personnes qui se chargent de valider les blocks ? Ils sont sélectionnés par vote, le poids des votant est proportionnel à leur nombre de BTS. Ce qui est marrant c'est qu'il est dit dans le wiki que BitShares a été créé pour casser le coté centralisé des pools sur les autres crypto, à commencer par Bitcoin évidemment.

Oui il y a "seulement" 101 delegates qui signent les bocks alors tu peux le voir comme 101 mining pools mais qui ont un pouvoir égale . Présentement  pour Bitcoin il y a 4 pools qui contrôlent  58 % de hashrate.

Mais là, qu'est-ce qui empêche quelques gars un peu fortuné de se rassembler et de voter pour chacun d'eux. Et donc de maintenir une certaine hégémonie ? Ce qui semble d'ailleurs se confirmer étant donné qu'on retrouve un peu tout le temps les mêmes delegates.

La distribution dans le bts est très uniforme et il n'existe pas de gros "whale" qui détiens beaucoup d'argent, comme dans le cas de Bitcoins, NXT etc. Donc ces quelques gars un peu fortune ils doivent être beaucoup plus que juste "quelques gars". Aussi plus le Bitshares grandi plus cella c'est difficile voir impossible d'accomplir.  Faut noter aussi qu'un delegate n'as pas beaucoup de pouvoir mise a part de signer de block et s'il ne signe pas, il va être vite congédie et remplacer pas un autre delegate.
J'imagine que ton questionnement et au niveau de la sécurité. Alors pour réaliser un attaque faut contrôler en même temps 51 délegates ce qui beaucoup plus difficile et très coûteux  que de contrôler 4 pool comme dans le cas de Bitcoins par exemple. Mais même si hypothétiquement quelqu’un arrive a le faire, un fois l'attaque dépisté on peut rapidement régler le problème par un hard fork donc un perte énorme pour celui qui attaque.
Faut aussi se dire que Bitshares c'est encore en beta ca fait seulement quelques mois que c'est sortie alors oui il y a présentement quelques personne qui contrôle plus d'un delegate, mais cella ca change puisque faut pas oublier les delgate sont des employés de bitshares . Alors plus la valeur de Bitshares monte plus  ca deviens financièrement intéressant d'occuper ce post, donc plusieurs vont essayer d'e avoir ce rôle en prouvent au  shareholders qu'ils les mérite.  Plusieurs amélioration aussi sont en cours pour rendre le système de vote plus facile et efficace.

Plus le temps passe et moins ce système a d'intérêt.

Tu voulais pas savoir le fonctionnement avant de tirer de conclusions ? Je dirais que c'est l’opposé de ce que tu dis  ;)

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Can Music beat that ?
« on: December 26, 2014, 05:48:12 pm »

We have been watching this very closely.
We are pretty confident our model can completely change that.

The big artists will make WAY more from streams. Many times more.
The smaller/newer artist will still make little  from streams just like today. The minimum being the royalty payment of course. The logic behind this is that the small time band is not trying to get paid, it is trying to be discovered in order to get known and that leads to getting paid. So as a small band, you are giving up some $ now in exchange for getting discovered. So you are "paying" for discovery and fame with some of your music income. Very much like an investment, putting a small percentage away in order to make superstar bucks in a few years.

The big artist on the other hand ceases to "pay" for the talent discovery mechanism since he is already famous and pockets all the cash.

This is an over simplification by the way. It's a way to explain it that does the job for now.

By the way, the mechanism that pays the big guys mostly in money and pays the small guys mostly in fame is only possible because of the User Issued Assets and the buy back mechanism. So unless a competitor comes out with a blockchain, they won't be able to use that mechanism.
So the UIA buy back mechanism ALLOWS the artist to get paid like this ($ for big, fame for small)

The time is ripe for PeerTracks to launch. Just a little bit longer and we'll be ready to show what we have to the world.

The time is definitely ripe. Music need justice !! Looking forward for the release,

Français (French) / Re: Et sinon, comment ça marche ?
« on: December 26, 2014, 05:42:03 pm »
Bonjour à tous,

Est-ce qu'il y aurait une âme charitable qui pourrait m'expliquer comment fonctionne BitShares. J'avoue que tout cela me semble ésotérique. Je ne suis même pas sûr de devoir parler de cryptomonnaie pour BS. Les delegates, les votes, le marché, etc, j'ai l'impression que la plupart des sujets ne font qu'aborder en surface le fonctionnement du programme. Quelques explications seraient les bienvenues.

Commence par cette article qui explique en détail le fonctionnement de Bitshares :

Muse/SoundDAC / Can Music beat that ?
« on: December 23, 2014, 08:36:40 pm »

So Pharrell Williams earned less than $3,000 for 43 million "Happy" streams on Pandora. This is ridiculous. Imagine if Music&PeerTracks can do better than that  !!!

General Discussion / Re: New Blog Post - Join the BitShares Community!
« on: December 22, 2014, 09:06:15 pm »
My honest opinion: I am biased on the tone of this post.  Examples:

...while making everyone in the community a ton of money.

You can help by lending our community your money

Would you be willing to skip a couple of meals to help create a better world?

Clearly stating what the possibility (incl. the financial ones) are to get involved makes sense so that people know what their possibilities are but the message the above statements can convey (to me, totally subjective, maybe its a European perspective): It is about making money, not about changing the world. We want your money for our purposes. Cheesy. 

Instead the money making possibility could be introduced in subtle way (not that blunt/cheesy) and the reader should make the conclusion himself that money can be made here.

General Discussion / Re: Baby Bo was born yesterday
« on: December 22, 2014, 08:54:29 pm »
Congratulations !!! Enjoy and best wishes !!!

Technical Support / Re: BitShares - problems
« on: December 22, 2014, 08:52:34 pm »
Given up !! Can't even update it , unusable for me ,,,

Hi guys.

The BitShares Newsletter is coming out within the week I was told. It has a section all about the music project.

For those interested in acquiring Notes, the only way to do that will be through the online (centralized) exchanges that support it. Pre-sale has been over for 2 weeks now.

I'm actually typing up, as we speak, an update to the site + a newsletter set to go out first days of January.

The goal is to let everyone know just what we are up to. The problem with having a project that is on one side open sourced/decentralized/P2P and the other side is a for profit corporation going up against giants in a shark infested ocean! Quite the juggling act :)
We could go ahead and release everything we have so far, in order to satisfy the crypto community but if we did that, we open ourselves up to tremendous risk from the competition. I'm not talking the crypto competition here like ethereum or BitTunes or anything like that. I'm talking about YouTube, Apple, Spotify, etc.
The BitShares Music Blockchain depends on PeerTracks and PeerTracks depends on the blockchain. At least in the early stages. PeerTracks must stay closed source in order to come out the gates swinging. And BitShares Music must be open sourced for the obvious reasons.

So here is my solution for the short term.

We are writing up a detailed schedule of everything happening within the first quarter of 2015. That way you all know what to expect and you aren't left in the dark.

One thing is certain even today, we are launching in March. So going back from there, you will know what dates we will be showing off the wallet, the PeerTracks platform, and of course all the code for the blockchain.

Regarding the back end, BitShares 1.0 needs to be out for us to send our people down to Virginia to work directly with the core team.
In the meantime they are working on everything else. The Music project has evolved into something much bigger than just a DPOS blockchain. It will actually be a entire stack of technologies working together. For now the only info available regarding code, is the C++ version of hyperledger that BitSapphire just converted and of course what the BitShares core team is doing.
The wallet BitSapphire did is still closed source, so is the PeerTracks website, etc.

So the closer we get to march, the more secret sauces will be revealed until everything is out there.

All this to say that in the first days of January you will be presented with a detailed schedule with the main milestones clearly stated. This will be posted in the forums, it will be a newsletter in itself and the sites will be updated accordingly as well.

Happy Holidays till then!

Wow  that sounds great. Very exiting news. Happy Holidays to all Music team. Thanks for the update.

Follow My Vote / FYI- A student's thesis on voting on the blockchain
« on: December 19, 2014, 04:54:24 pm »
Maybe he wants to work for Follow my vote team. This guy wrote he's master thesis on how can you vote  on blochain :

General Discussion / Re: New Chapter for MktDirector
« on: December 16, 2014, 04:27:08 am »
I understand M-PESA is very big in some parts of Africa.

But they almost lost in SA.

M-Pesa is big but the transaction fee are very high for such poor countrys, People are so poor that if they could transfer money without those fee they will do it in a heartbeat.  I've been in a few African country and the mobile payment is huge. There is a big market there for sure but it not easy, I guess the best way will be some kind of partnership with a phone company.

I know what's you meaning. But I have already got my solution for specially people in Africa. It is not easy to expain you just in the forum. We are you now and maybe we can talk in person. And also I wish you gonna give me more ideas.

Sure I send you a PM.

General Discussion / Re: New Chapter for MktDirector
« on: December 16, 2014, 03:46:48 am »
I understand M-PESA is very big in some parts of Africa.

But they almost lost in SA.

M-Pesa is big but the transaction fee are very high for such poor countrys, People are so poor that if they could transfer money without those fee they will do it in a heartbeat.  I've been in a few African country and the mobile payment is huge. There is a big market there for sure but it not easy, I guess the best way will be some kind of partnership with a phone company.

Good points. I too asked some of this questions but never got a answer to it. I trust Cob and the Music team, but I think as donors to this project we deserve a little bit more transparency.
Here are the pieces that I put together : bitsapphire is actively  working on the front end, also  I understand the MVP will not use the blockchain and they hope to have it ready  by March. The plan is to wait until a very stable version of Bitshare toolkit is out  is out and only then they will be starting working on connecting PeerTracks with the blochain.

What I would like add a few question to your list. 
    • Do they have developers that will be working on the backend ?
    • Is there a marketing plan and when it will start  ? Presently there is absolutely 0 marketing happening.
    • A official weakly or monthly update will be great any hope on that ?


General Discussion / Re: Is the Official Marketing Team Sleeping?
« on: December 15, 2014, 06:16:59 pm »
I seriously don't know what you guys are complaining about. Nothing can be marketed until version 187.5.1 comes out in Q4 2035. I can't tell you what that push is or what strategy we are using because someone else might steal the ideas and run with it in the meantime. All I can tell you is we are planning to coincide our marketing push along with the first manned mission to Mars and we will launch BitMARS at the same time. BitMARS will be a decentralized cryptoPlanet. Kind of like a real planet, but on a blockchain. The first of its kind. Buying BitMARS will give you ownership rights to a piece of property on Mars. How will this work? Well, as long as most of the then 10 billion people on earth buy it, majority consensus will override any government action to take it from them/us. It will be traded through BitReserves platform because in all reality, they will have a bigger network and marketing effect than Bitshares as we await the release of their first product BitOiL, scheduled for release in 2030. How dumb of BitReserve to market something before they even have a product?

And that new Star Wars movie must be completely finished and ready to go since they already started marketing it. Right? Maybe it's not done and Disney doesn't know what the F*** they are doing. How dare they market something that won't be released until Q4 2015?


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