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Messages - fuzzy

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General Discussion / Re: Bitshares Google Hangout on Air.
« on: March 06, 2016, 08:19:42 pm »
Roger Ver tried to do the hangout via Goodle Hangouts so maybe we could reach him once again once we have more people in or someone who can ask the right questions and explain BitShares.

Already done.  :)

I think you're missing the point

What would happen to the market cap of BitShares if the algos started picking up news stories of how the lead dev of B.T.S. just got hired by V.I.S.A?

Indeed what would happen? I can just as easily see such a turn of event causing BitShares to tank and die a quick death. Bachman's post is a totally rediculous idea. There would obviously be strings attached to the position, vesting for bonus, owning rights to all inventions, NDAs ... I know it was in jest but he just blew his avatar fascade.

I thought it could have some benefits, but only if done strategically and through negotiations...
I mean think about it.  BTS is pretty much already proven...and it isn't like Counterparty where the devs leaving meant counterparty was dead on arrival (because it was tied to alllll the negatives of bitcoin).  Bitshares (and graphene) is something awesome. 

Hm...instead of hiring Dan, why don't we show them the codebase? 

I like this, but fear that we need to be very careful promoting something that as yet is not proven to be perfectly pegged.
I would appreciate a comment from CNX on the overall message to would-be BaaS users. @Stan @bytemaster or others care to contribute their desires related to this initiative?

I keep finding myself wondering...what is the LOW-HANGING FRUIT that we can show off now: 


Simple.  Concise.  3 words that every biz strategist would love to hear regarding any technology....regardless of whether they are INTERESTED in smartcoins, smartconctracts, or seaworld movies purchased with a blockchain... Then say that all of these things are proven. 

Then I would add a sentence saying something to the effect of: "plus many other cutting edge experiments that have very high potential, but that must be further tested by a larger community to be proven." 

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares Google Hangout on Air.
« on: March 06, 2016, 06:56:48 pm »
Me and @noisy did a Google Hangout live on air. 

You can replay it here:

We are just having a casual chat about bitshares news and ideas.
We are going to do this live every Sunday at 4PM GMT
We tried to add more people but we had issues getting them added. Next week there will be more of us, probably @fuzzy and @Akado
If you want to join us please PM your gmail address to me and I will be able to add you.

Well I guess I can probably be available then :)

Let's talk behind the scenes and i'll gladly volunteer to help you get it set up. 

Breaking it down to a fashion that's intuitive for the average joe might not entirely be possible.
I'd like to hear why you believe there are advantages on doing this on the blockchain too. Again, both for the business and the end user.

P.s - Am trying to get differential opinions here. Not rebutting.

Having it done on the blockchain makes it so people can see the stats and know they are not being altered by the third party in question (gamebet).  So if i go to game A and see Team 1 has 34% of the prediction market vote for "win", and 66% for "lose", i can know those stats are auditable. 

The BitShares blockchain is a Financial Services platform for SmartCoins coupled with a decentralized asset exchange. SmartCoins are price-stable digital assets pegged to the current value of various currencies, commodities, stocks and other financial instruments.  The BitShares blockchain “witnesses” public data from world financial markets to “publish” pricing information to the decentralized asset exchange.  Markets are made and the blockchain enforces all SmartCoin parameters and transactions.  The industrial-grade blockchain is currently operating at a 3-second block interval with peaks to thousands of transaction per second. BitShares is delivering today on the promises of blockchain functionality, scalability and speed.  Spin up an Ubuntu VM with the software to get connected in about 15 minutes.

Sounds good.  +5%

I like this, but fear that we need to be very careful promoting something that as yet is not proven to be perfectly pegged. 

For now usage of the certificates is set to optional on the server, so you don't strictly need one, but that also means to you have no control over that username and that someone else might be able to impersonate you or register it in your stead.

Mumbles encryption with certificates seems to work the same as ssh with publickeys.
In both cases, if you lose your half of the key, access to that name is no longer possible.
Thing is, this only becomes a problem when and if you've registered yourself on the mumble server, which is the same as telling mumble to use your certificate from now on. As long as you don't register, the certificate is not used, afaik.

If you've locked yourself out, you can send a message with your mumble-login name to Fuzzy, JabbaJabba or me and one of us can remove the registered name through the mumble-client itself.

I'm not aware of either fuzzy or jabba making anybody else a moderator on mumble, so for now we three are the only ones capable of removing registered names from the list.

I have control of the ACL so I am sure I could put others as admins if they wished. 

i thought gamebet didn't run on top of BitShares, it just uses it as a currency to bet like bitcoin.

How would you have a system like gamebet run on top of Bitshares ?
(I know of prediction markets, but am open to hearing more )

Note : Product discussions are highly preliminary - all decisions are taken by Kuro and Hybridd. I only present possbilities to them when we do hold discussions.

You would essentially have two tokens in the system as I see it.  One for "GWin" and one for "GLoss", people post their bets by purchasing said token and the pot is distributed to the "GWin" tokens held and associated with the pool of a certain match ID.  That is how I see it happening. 

i thought gamebet didn't run on top of BitShares, it just uses it as a currency to bet like bitcoin.

That is true, but gamebet doesn't need to run on top of bitshares for us to get referrals for both.  We could easily give people 5 BTS to bet "on us" and gain from the referrals.. :)

I've run into this problem myself. One important question to ask is:

Have you ever successfully connected to BBC mumble?

If the answer is yes the problem is that the mumble server "knows you" by the credentials / certificate you used before, which is different than the one you are now trying to connect with.

I am not certain but I believe nothing has to be setup or configured on the server to gain access for brand new users. If you answered no to the question and still cannot connect then there is another issue at play I am not aware of.

IIRC, there is almost no info about certificates on the "howto" page for joining our mumble. I remember the first time I connected I had questions about that as the mumble client provides a few choices about it and I didn't have a clue what the server expected or which of those choices were important.

Perhaps the info about certs, are you a new user, ever connected with mumble are just too much detail for the howto page. But this issue does seem to come up fairly frequently and should be resolved if possible.

Good idea. 

If we had a group of people who made accounts like the one @DestBest and the bitshares french connection have, we could literally automate the bot to advertise Gamebet as a platform and get 2 income streams: 1 from the bot itself (when referrals are finished with it) and 2 from gamebet itself. 

This could be very powerful especially if we were to consider what kuro suggested awhile back about creating an API and wrapper to enable people to write custom scripts and code, customized extensions to the functionality of the bot itself.  This would enable people to code these extensions in whatever language they wish. Then we could essentially work to build a "bot army" who advertises using bitshares-based services---even if we are advertising another coin :)

Has a recording of this session been posted anywhere yet?  I checked


this includes the part where Rune joined!AF4AzPI_gl5cWKI&cid=D06C9927CA1D1F35&id=D06C9927CA1D1F35!15034&parId=D06C9927CA1D1F35!9105&action=locate

Ill post when im done editing the hangout and we can have one for sharing outside the community with a bit more "polished" feel.  This will not be until tomorrow nite though.

General Discussion / Re: Updates
« on: March 05, 2016, 06:24:18 pm »
is there a link to the referral system documentation? 

Since yesterday, yes :)

He's talking about the Gamebet Referral System :)
@fuzzy - as of now, no, but we offer upto 50 percent of house income for bets placed.
I'll garner literature on the same and have it listed on the website soon.

We have launched v2.0 of the website with a brand new UI and the marketplace enabled.
In doing so, we are the world's first to integrate in-game economies, the blockchain and e-sports.
Our focus now is to attain scale and profitability in the months to  come and further differentiation from other parties in the game.

We will have a referral system that gives you upto 50 percent of house income, in crypto - Pm me if this interests you. Advertising on Twitch, can make a massive ROI if done right.

My intent of doing this is to

>Reduce internal expenses on user acquisition
>Expand marketing personnel.

would be wonderful if the sharebits user interface was polished enough and the referral system implemented as asked.  then i could use the sharebot to amass a community of people easily using the sharebot to promote gamebets as well. This would mean we cpuld literally send gamebets tokens to teams of elite players to get them onboard, and get our community members TWO streams of referral oncome in one.
Any idea when we will get that to a point where the community can help you with this tool?  UI seems to be the only thing we are waiting for.

General Discussion / Re: Sidechain bitAssets
« on: March 05, 2016, 06:09:39 pm »
problem is the costs, I really don't see the community willing to spend 200k on that, given the dilution hate.

2/3 or more would have to be crowdfunded imo.

I will gladly hold a donation drive for such a thing. 

This is how I see it going: We have a thread on bitcointalk asking (for donations in btc) and a thread on bitsharestalk (accepting btc, bts and maybe bitUSD/bitCNY).  Make the bitcoin in our ecosystem a fee backed asset (with a floating fee that is set to always undercut the competition?). 

Then give a cut of those fees to those accounts that donated...kind of like with onceuponatime and stealth.

We could all reach out to the blockstream devs too and give them the bts donated for mike hearn for a hangout to celebrate bitcoins first sidechain. We could promote Beyond Bitcoin and bitshares at the same time...and it would be a huge press release once the entire bitcoin infrastructure starts saying "zomg we need to use the btc service they are running!"
Not to mention the beyond bitcoin logo is meant specifically to make bitshares look like armor around a bitcoin.  Wraps up quite nicely in a little package if you ask me. :)

Technical Support / Re: Has Graphene development fizzled out ?
« on: March 05, 2016, 02:16:19 am »
It is a normal part of the products lifecycle to not have as much development once core features are done.

but if you want to look at the newest development that has added stealth tx to bitshares, it might be worth looking around on our forums for it :)

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