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Messages - 天籁

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Congratulation! +5%

As time goes,more and more Chinese exchanges need huge amount BitCNY,but nowadays continues BitCNY settlement makes BitCNY less and less which hurt BTS heavily,we must stop it!!!


General Discussion / Re: AEX.COM plan to open smartcoin markets
« on: November 05, 2017, 03:07:36 am »


Does anyone have any suggestions on how we could fix this issue?

I will never stop repeating: fix margin trading flaws first. Debt should be created ONLY when bitAsset leaves the issuing account. bitUSD sell order is not your debt and should not be counted in total bitUSD supply until this order is filled. We should not need to deposit 2x collateral upfront to issue bitAsset. If you have 1000 USD worth of BTS, you should be able to go ahead and put 1000 bitUSD sell order for BTS, and when this order is (partially) filled, BTS should be automatically added to collateral. We should not need to add funds on top of 2x collateral to close the position, because this is ridiculous.  And there is really no need to keep a separate collateral pool for each bitAsset, because all you care about is that your total debt is properly backed. In case the value of collateral falls, the most liquid bitAssets should be margin called first.
+5%  Combined with BSIP-18 would be perfect.

General Discussion / Re: Marketing efforts
« on: October 24, 2017, 12:36:00 am »
What about the margin trading? What's wrong with it?

Currently, you can be margin called even if you have enough balance to cover your entire debt in your account, because  MPA contract is not smart enough to be aware that no debt exists until bitAsset is transferred from the issuing account. To close your position, you need to add funds on top of your 2x collateral first, which is nonsense. and if you have, say, 1000 USD worth of BTS in your account, and you want to short bitUSD, you need to issue 500 bitUSD, sell them, add BTS to collateral manually, issue 250 bitUSD more, sell, ..., keep repeating this infinite number of times until you get old and die. This is not how shorting should work. You should be able to go ahead and put 1000 bitUSD sell order on bitUSD/BTS market. Alternatively, you could put 500 bitUSD order on any other market or send them to your friend. Or, you could put 800 bitUSD sell order on bitUSD/BTS market and send another 100 bitUSD to your friend at the same time. In all these cases your position would be covered by 2x collateral all the time, because bitUSD which is sitting in a limit order is not your debt, and when the order is (partially) taken, a smart contract which is really smart would top up the collateral as needed. This is how shorting works on other exchanges.

I repeat myself, decentralized margin trading is an awesome idea, and a greatest selling point of bitshares. It should be advertised proactively, because people trade on margin like crazy on other exchanges, which indicates that a huge demand exists. But, it would be easier to convince everybody to switch to DEX if the major flaws were fixed.

Technical Support / Re: Moving BTS from Exchange to BTS Wallet?
« on: October 23, 2017, 01:33:26 am »
Your deposit address is your account name!

OpenLedger / Re: What about the ICO return of MVS.ZENDAO in OL?
« on: September 22, 2017, 08:56:29 am »
please,Ronny @ccedk

OpenLedger / What about the ICO return of MVS.ZENDAO in OL?
« on: September 19, 2017, 02:36:21 am »

关于承道代币清退的最新公告  [MVS.ZENDAO in OL]


1. 退币原则是退还用户参与承道ICO时所使用的数字资产;

2. 官网参与的用户,我们在整理参与名单,并逐个联系,依次完成退币;

3. 通过合作平台参与的用户,我们会将在该平台所筹数字资产全部退回平台,并由平台完成退还给用户的操作。

承道项目将继续进行开发,按照计划正常推进。 再次感谢大家对承道始终不变的理解和支持!如有任何问题,请发送邮件至,我们会尽快为您解答!



What about the ICO return of MVS.ZENDAO in OL? @ccedk_pro


关于承道代币清退的最新公告  [MVS.ZENDAO in OL]


1. 退币原则是退还用户参与承道ICO时所使用的数字资产;

2. 官网参与的用户,我们在整理参与名单,并逐个联系,依次完成退币;

3. 通过合作平台参与的用户,我们会将在该平台所筹数字资产全部退回平台,并由平台完成退还给用户的操作。

承道项目将继续进行开发,按照计划正常推进。 再次感谢大家对承道始终不变的理解和支持!如有任何问题,请发送邮件至,我们会尽快为您解答!



What about the ICO return of MVS.ZENDAO in OL? @ccedk_pro

哈哈 我今天翻到了老钱包备份,bitshares我注册过,导入的时候丢一堆。还好用私钥可以导入2.0。
稳妥期间, 你提供下yunbi提现时候的memo内容我核对下,发回bts给你。


中文 (Chinese) / 请为MUSE见证人:muse-now投票
« on: August 17, 2017, 08:49:46 am »

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