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Messages - R

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有人愿意帮他翻译这两份文档吗,他悬赏 7500 BTS。

I wish to request Chinese translation support for the following documents: (except the preface section, that's part of an old steem post)

2 BTS per word sound alright? So approx 7500 BTS in total for the above two documents?

Regarding the Norns whitepaper, it references deities from Norse mythology using Wikipedia references, it'd be great if relevant articles within online Chinese encyclopedias could be referenced in their place if possible?

I'm looking for price feed publishers for the Norns & hertz:;all

Anyone interested in the translation?

Why were the proposed BSIP changes to feeds fully applied to USD & CNY prior to the BSIP WPs being activated?

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Poll] BSIP76:Set bitCNY feed threshold
« on: September 29, 2019, 12:59:12 pm »

The above BSIP WP's were activated for a very short moment this morning, days after the changes were thrust upon witnesses. Why was the BSIP WP process bypassed/disregarded when it comes to such a high impact BSIP?

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Poll] BSIP76:Set bitUSD feed threshold
« on: September 29, 2019, 12:57:57 pm » this has now activated, only after the change was imposed on price feed publishers. Activation and network consensus seems to be an afterthought, no? Why was the BSIP WP process disregarded?

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Poll] BSIP76:Set bitUSD feed threshold
« on: September 28, 2019, 05:43:20 pm »
Why was any outcome of BSIP76 for bitUSD acted upon prior to activation of the WP? Currently none of the BSIP76 WP for bitUSD have activated, thus don't have network consensus on the matter.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Poll] BSIP76:Set bitCNY feed threshold
« on: September 28, 2019, 05:37:28 pm »
Why was this implemented before activation? None of the proposed BSIPs gained sufficient network consensus:

Why pretend to use BSIP & WP if it's purpose is disregarded?

General Discussion / Re: how to judge the result of a poll worker?
« on: September 28, 2019, 05:27:35 pm »
Side note: Looks like the bitshares-ui and show 0.00% funding for WP regardless of prior activation, to check if an BSIP ever achieved activation prior to implementation, look up the worker proposal object for the balance id like the following for BSIP76 indicating no network activation/consensus (0 balance, no activation):

General Discussion / Re: BitShares Online Summit - 10 OCT 2019
« on: September 28, 2019, 04:50:27 pm »
Something similar but with a private vrchat server would be pretty cool, people could branch off into separate groups to discuss matters instead of all communicating across the one video-conference channel. I'll be signing up for this though, good idea

General Discussion / Re: how to judge the result of a poll worker?
« on: September 28, 2019, 04:46:02 pm »
Fair enough the purpose of refund400k promoted by its proponents is to block excessive worker payouts, however it's irrefutable that any worker proposal which fails to become activated on the network (for whatever reason) fundamentally lacks network consensus; BSIPs which lack sufficient network consensus perhaps shouldn't be acted upon.

Enforcement of recent BSIPs which were put to worker proposals have instead relied on the intimidation tactic of immediately removing votes (or the threat of) from witnesses who refuse to comply with BSIPs which lack sufficient network consensus. This disagreement on feeds threatens the integrity of the network by pulling the rug out beneath witnesses without prior communication.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Poll] BSIP59:Reduce MCR of bitCNY to 1.5
« on: September 18, 2019, 09:06:51 am »
when will it end, at 1.0?

Norn price feed publishers have reactivated their feeds, you can borrow/settle norns as usual now.

Tomorrow: Peak Urthr, intersection of depreciating Skuld & appreciating Verthandi!

General Discussion / Re: How to use Committee Funds
« on: September 16, 2019, 05:08:03 pm »
Let's sell all the BTS to buy BTC, then BTC go up to 1M dollor, we will win. :D :D
Workers dumping bts is bad, but gamblers dumping bts is good? lol

General Discussion / Re: How to use Committee Funds
« on: September 16, 2019, 05:07:12 pm »
1. Short Term Loan for Worker Proposals, Witnesses, Developers and KYC BTS Members
- Short term loan for WP, Witnesses ad Developers who need urgent money, the loan is backed by their future 1-2 months income. The interest rate suggested is 5-10% per month, if interest too low it may be abused. No KYC Required.
- Short term loan for long term BTS Holders, KYC required since they have no future income from Bitshares to support them. Interest rate suggested is 15-25% per month. Set a maximum limit how much they can borrow to reduce risk.

2. Invest in Startup/Business
- Some entrepreneurs have the knowledge and skill to build a business but lack of funding. If Committee decided to invest into them, then request them for a permanent free advertising slot for Bitshares (especially online business), integrate BTS and BitCNY/USD in their payment gateway and share a portion of their future profit.
- Invest in Startup/Business is very risky but worth to try because it is a good method to have great exposure to business world and if any of the business become successful, then Bitshares have positive cash flow outside of DEX.

5-10% / month? that's 200-300% APR...

We're a decentralized exchange....not decentralized loansharks :D
What about buying and holding peak norns long term? Would lock up 2x BTS in collateral & would offer peak norn shorters up to 0.8% debt destruction per day.

Alternatively, could use committee funds to algorithmic-ally buy norn troughs then settle their peaks to earn approx 0.8% per day.

Norns potentially enable greater rates with less risk than those offered by Bangzi & Dai 👍

Attention price feed publishers: Since the recent Bitshares blockchain halt, multiple price feed sources for the norns ceased publishing feeds due to getting stuck on a 503 error. Please reset your price feed scripts to begin feeding the Norns once again, thanks.

Disagree. Do not support.

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