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Messages - Thul3

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I still support their worker because there is still a possibility to get it done should this worker get done.

I'm in favour of decentralization

You holding

core worker


its to much centralization to a single identity

I agree with Bingo that majority of BSIPs the workers plans to focus on are a waste of resources.

Anybody counted how much time will pass till even the coding cost have been paid back ?

I disagree agree on BSIP87 as i think thats something which would lower the force settlements dramaticly which are hurting the ecosystem.
The most of DEX income is inadequate to meet the expense, this is the cruel reality, even we make a BSIP86, only defi can give the help for now.

I made the same demand as Bingo and also clearly said before that thats something which needs to be included to get my vote.

The proposed BSIPS have no real impact based on our volume thats the reality.Instead of focusing on getting new users and fresh money on dex we only focus on DEX parameters.

Bsip64 has not been voted active.

Supporting BBF as legal representative should bitshares have one.

Price is also way cheaper 24k compared to 36k and already some years of history.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Poll]BSIP87:Force Settlement Fee
« on: March 11, 2020, 04:46:28 pm »
Seeing the title thats something i recommended for a long time to reduce the big amount of force settlements for profit by creating a gap between buy and sell order via "fee" for network

Is there a worker coming ?

Am asking because if not i will open one myself to push it forward

I doubt it would have changed something.

Increasing the offset to 5% would only move the buy orders and sell orders at a higher price.

Debt holders who get force settled mostly instantly adds buy orders near price they receive for forcesettle.

Instead an offset of 5% it should be offset 0% and a "penalty" fee for network of 3% which would create a gap between buy and sell orders which would hopefully reduce force settlements.

Bitspark [closed] / Actions against Bitspark
« on: February 14, 2020, 05:04:11 pm »
Have been asked to post a link to a TG group who are looking to take actions against Bitspark.

Everyone is welcome there

Worker is fully funded.

You can downvote the worker now

Would love to support you into committee.
However i belive in a balance in committee as there are "3 groups" mainly BEOS people,CN-vote people (where risks exist they follow blindly their groups recommendation and agenda) and neutral committee members which are the most important part imo (since BEOS and CN-Vote clearly did together inside deals before)
It's this way healthier and more secure in my opinion than just having BEOS and CN-Vote people in committee.

Once CN-Vote removes their votes from fully inactive committee members like evangelist or liondani i will support you in to keep the balance and get active members into committee

the weibo accounts related MXC respectively  are MX-MXC抹茶交易所(155K followers) and MXC抹茶(85.5K followers)

Their followers seems to be dead/fake.

2-25 likes per comment with 155k followers ?

I get better results with 2k followers.

MXC great big exchange.
I remember Biki top 10 exchange.We need biki for bitcny .It will bring big new userbase and new trading platform and liquidity.

Where is bitcny because i can't see it ?

Another point is that there is nothing bad that chinese belive that this worker is a good one and lobby for it.

However making inside deals which some cn-voters do with BEOS is shady and you should be ashamed.

You are even unable to provide a clear answer why evangelist or liondani have been voted as committee or terradac and liondani as witness.

We both know it was an inside deal for supporting your witnesses and committee members.

You voted in dead accounts and kicked out active accounts.

Lobbing for a worker is good but the inside deals some members of cn-vote are doing are going to kill your own reputation as you support the biggest BTS dumpers giving them committee ,witness and soon their own worker i guess,

@alt 猴哥,希望请给BTS 个机会。gbac和公会真的在努力为推动BTS做事,上线抹茶对bts宣传引流效果不言而喻,并不只是开发才是高尚的正确的,bts需要更多的关注,而此时抹茶交易所能够完成这样的任务。60万BTS的活动费用比起以前动不动几百万上千万BTS的worker提案来说,真的性价比到了极致。电报和论坛上,中文用户是弱势群体,但是你不能片面的相信thule等人的一面之词,抹茶交易所和中国社区不该被如此的妖魔化。猴哥,从你微博内容看,你是很明事理,三观正直的人,那也请你给中国社区这次机会,帮助提案顺利完成。不胜感激!

There is no support for it beside from cn-vote.Even BEOS community is against it but the leadership of BEOS being aware of it is supporting it because of a "bigger picture" which means favour votes back in return.
I always denied favour votes.
Since you are a high ranked member in CN-Vote maybe you can explain to me why exectly did cn-vote voted evangelist and liondani into committee when both are inactive,not participating,voting or approving anything?
So what was the goal of CN-Vote to vote these people into committee ?
You are aware you nearly kicked out on of the few active and solid committee members like BHUZ if alt and me wouldn't have hold him up and downvoted Bunkerchainlabs.
At the same day i got contacted by chinese cn-vote members asking why i downvoted Bunkerchainlabs.

You are aware that committee by CN-Vote actions would be in full control by CN-Vote and BEOS at that time with no neutral committee members to have a balance ?

Same goes for witnesses.
Terradac and liondani are witnesses where big active supporters of bitshares are voted out because of the lack of cn-vote support.
I always thought and read by cn-vote members that being a witness is a privelage to big supporters of bitshares.
May you show me where terradac and liondani are big supporters of bitshares which deserve more to be a witness like other people.

Refund400k worker was voted in because CN-Vote claimed workers are ineffective which i agreed with but i doubt that this worker is anything more effective like the other who have been all terminated.I would even say its result will/would be worse.

Here a reminder for CN-Vote who they support;topicseen#msg341011

Being upset about their actions but supporting them as committee and witness (because of vote favours ?) ?

Worst part Michael from BEOS even admitting to his own community that he knows that this exchange is a shitty one ,so what is he going to get from it for supporting in his own opinion a shitty exchange ?

General Discussion / Re: @CN-Vote
« on: February 11, 2020, 02:42:09 pm »
Recently, the committee's proposal is mainly about MM competition. The reason why I didn't approve these proposals is that I think the rules need to be improved.

1. I think the rewards for bts/eos and bts/eth should be cancelled, because these two transaction pairs do not conform to the trading habits of investors and very few people use them.

2. I think the reward of usdt/bitcny should be increased. Now the reward effect of this transaction pair has initially appeared, but it is still too small. I think it is appropriate to give this transaction an additional bonus of 10000bts.

3.Bts/bitusd, bts/biteur, bts/bitruble share the reward of 5000bts. The trading volume of these three trading pairs is too small and needs to be encouraged.

Fully agree with your point of view.

However this was not about you as committee but inactive committee who never participated like Evangelist or Liondani who pushes one comment per week

Of course, I also think that there is too little communication among members of our committee. We should strengthen communication.

Because the liquidity and real executed trades there are less users than on DEX.
Secondly 300k of BTS is being distributed to fake volume
Third we promote with that money a CEX and not DEX even we have so many demand for these funds for the DEX.

What real volume do you belive BTS will have on MXC after the promotion which would justify a $20k investment ?

A Cost Use Bill

Workers have been closed on bitshares with the argument they are ineffective.
I doubt this one will be more effective

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